Wishful thinking - updating the iPod shuffle?

Ceroc Addict

Had an interesting insight about the iPod shuffle - it would be far better if it just allowed multiple playlists. That way:

  • Books and podcasts could be separated from music
  • Dance music could be separated from listening music
  • etc.
The hardware of the player wouldn't even have to change. The + and - buttons could be used to change the current playlist while no song was playing.
Now here's the wishful thinking part: Anyone have an idea as to whether Apple could just update the firmware (does it have firmware like the regular iPods?) on the iPod shuffle to enable this functionality?

Everything has firmware, even your microwave. But embedded systems are a different topic...

I imagine it wouldn't be too difficult for Apple to implement, since they programmed the things in the first place. I'll suggest it to Phil next time he's on, see if that gets anywhere.
Would be great if the earbud wires ran through the lanyard, so if you were riding a bike they wouldn't hang down into the handle bars and get snagged on the brake levers. Not that anything like that has ever happened to me, ha ha ha... :eek:
Imma try and do a quick zip-tie/plastic hook hack as soon as i get mine. ill post with results.

I ordered the hour they were announced...it hasent shipped yet, :(
Ceroc Addict said:
Had an interesting insight about the iPod shuffle - it would be far better if it just allowed multiple playlists. That way:

  • Books and podcasts could be separated from music
  • Dance music could be separated from listening music
  • etc.
The hardware of the player wouldn't even have to change. The + and - buttons could be used to change the current playlist while no song was playing.
Now here's the wishful thinking part: Anyone have an idea as to whether Apple could just update the firmware (does it have firmware like the regular iPods?) on the iPod shuffle to enable this functionality?


If you have an idea, send it to the iPod feedback.
yeah, good idea with the lanyard, may try it with mine when i get it. i also am anxiously awaiting mine! c'mon, ship em already!!!
First impressions: Very good. Easily the most convenient and best designed iPod I've ever used.

Could only get the 512MB model though (1 GB not available in Aus yet) and it's already feeling pretty cramped (planning on getting an iPod/iPod mini anyway).

Satcomer said:
If you have an idea, send it to the iPod feedback.
Already done. I usually post my ideas here first though, so I can polish them before sending on to Apple.

andychrist said:
Would be great if the earbud wires ran through the lanyard
Yeah, I thought about that too. What I really want though is to be able to strap it to my wrist (i.e. a watch with a pocket big enough to hold an iPod shuffle and a second flat pocket for a licence and credit card) and then let the earbud wire just run up the sleeve of my shirt.


P.S. Is it just me, or is Apple's earphone wire about 20 to 30 cm too long?
  1. Need playlists (see beginning of this thread)
  2. No way to just let one song repeat
  3. The Autofill function in iTunes only selects music (i.e. if you want to put Audible books on your iPod shuffle, you have to add them manually)
Hopefully, 1 and 3 are a firmware/software update away.

2 could probably be done via a firmware update, but it would have been much nicer to just have a third position on the continuous play/shuffle switch (weird that the designers missed this one, since it would have reflected the exact functionality in iTunes) - you start to miss the ability to repeat a song automatically very quickly.


P.S. 2 could also be done by simply replacing the "hold" functionality currently in the iPod shuffle (the buttons on the iPod shuffle are very nicely designed and aren't touch sensitive - the hold functionality isn't necessary at all) i.e. Hold down the Play button => Repeat the current track
4. There doesn't seem to be a way to stop/cancel the Autofill once it has started.

This is a bit of a problem for me, because I'm using USB1.1 and it takes a few minutes to finish.

5. Fast forwarding though audible books is painfully slow (esp. because there's no feedback on where you are in the book)


P.S. If you listen to Audible books (or want to), you're much better off just going with the iPod mini. I don't really see this as something that needs fixing in the iPod shuffle.
6. The time settings for rewind and fast forward aren't very good.

As best as I can figure out, holding down fast forward jumps ahead in 4-5 second intervals.

This makes fast forwarding through an audiobook extremely painful. Plus, why would anyone want to rewind/fast forward through a song in 4-5 second intervals?

The settings should be:

  • Fast forward - 1 - 2 minute intervals
  • Rewind - 30 second intervals
(or these settings should be user configurable)

ElDiabloConCaca said:
I believe the longer you hold down the button, the faster it scans -- can you confirm?
Doesn't seem to (would probably be a little disconcerting if it did, given the lack of a display).

Plus, as you fast forward you get little audio snippets of where you are - very annoying since you're only skipping forward such a tiny amount anyway (with a larger time interval this would be useful).
