Wow! Internet Explorer 5.2.2

oddly enough I did get it to install finaly... I opened the installer until it told me to quit all apps. I ran the applescript and waited for it to time out. After clicking cancel it installed fine.

Strange, but it got the job done.
Originally posted by hazmat

What, like :)

I love how the IE installer closes everything you have open. Thanks, guys. Like copying the .app into /Applications has anything to do with anything else.

Yeah what the HELL is microsoft thinking? And it doesn't quit the Finder either. The Finder is just another app, you know!

Obviously, they don't even have time to do anything to their installer except quickly "carbonize" it. It's just the OS 9 installer quickly wrapped in Carbon.

Microsoft sucks.
Originally posted by wdw_
Am I the only one whos splash screen changed drasticly?


1200 posts!

How did you make that screen????
Funny. Now people go psycho over MS's use of the VISE installer. But when Microsoft was about the only software developer on the Mac promoting drag-and-drop installs, no one said anything positive.

Grow up people. I'm sorry, but... grow up.
Originally posted by nichrome
Funny. Now people go psycho over MS's use of the VISE installer. But when Microsoft was about the only software developer on the Mac promoting drag-and-drop installs, no one said anything positive.

Grow up people. I'm sorry, but... grow up.

Not me, I posted a message back then saying that Microsoft totally impressed me by the drag and drop installation of Office products.

But this Explorer installer is just... crap. Pure, liquid crap.
Originally posted by nichrome
Funny. Now people go psycho over MS's use of the VISE installer. But when Microsoft was about the only software developer on the Mac promoting drag-and-drop installs, no one said anything positive.

Grow up people. I'm sorry, but... grow up.

You see, they promoted it (?) and nowadays they use ONLY this TOTALLY crap installers...

From MS Office X:Mac to IE5.2.2 they didn't use Drag & Drop installs BUT more or less the same crap that they currenctly used in IE5.2.2... So, you see M$ is the one that HAS to GROW up and not us, the users...
Originally posted by hulkaros

From MS Office X:Mac to IE5.2.2 they didn't use Drag & Drop installs BUT more or less the same crap that they currenctly used in IE5.2.2... So, you see M$ is the one that HAS to GROW up and not us, the users...

Actualy, if you would read the readme on the Office install CD it says that if you want all the apps installed to just drag and drop. If you are wanting a customized install you would click on the installer. I'm running a D&D'd version of Word right now.
Is anyone else having a problem with their System Preferences reverting to Explorer as their default browser?

I select Chimera in the Web tab of the Internet control panel, quit the System Preferences, open it back up and Explorer is set as the default again!:mad: :mad: :mad:

This didn't happen before I installed Explorer 5.2.2
Originally posted by fetlock
The IE problem mentioned--disappearing text--has been solved, on another list.

If you go to Peferences>Web Browser>Interface Extras, and de-select "Enable Quartz text smoothing," your disappearing text problem will be solved.

The same tip applies to all MS products that use text smoothing, so far as I know.

That seems to have worked - thanks! :)
Originally posted by Rhino_G3

Actualy, if you would read the readme on the Office install CD it says that if you want all the apps installed to just drag and drop. If you are wanting a customized install you would click on the installer. I'm running a D&D'd version of Word right now.

Well, you see the problem with the thing you say is NOT what M$ used to do before (with Office 2001, IE & OE) and...
NO having an option of using Drag & Drop isn't that much of a good thing...

The correct AND easiest method of doing things was, is and will be, this:

Folder with Application <- Drag this folder ANYWHERE you want on your hard disk

And NOT:
Use the installer AND if you know better (read the readme file) use D&D. Still, this is not an option with IE5.2.2 install method, so there ;)
Office 2001 was drag and drop. It installed it's libraries the first time you ran it, which took about 3 seconds.

IE's installer is crap though.
I downloaded it the first time I saw this thread. I really, truly don't notice any performance boost. 5.2.1 worked fine; I don't see why this upgrade was neccesary.

Yes, the Microsoft installer DOES suck. There is absolutely no reason at all for it to quit all running programs. This could have easily been prevented. The only reason I can think of why Microsoft would want to quit all running programs is to maybe disrupt a hacking/cracking utility... but why in the world would they want to do that? :confused: Microsoft had a choice in quitting all programs upon installation. The question is, what reason would they have to do so?
Originally posted by Ricky
...Microsoft had a choice in quitting all programs upon installation. The question is, what reason would they have to do so?

Like I said, it's either a trait left over from OS 9 that they were too lazy or oblivious to remove, or they are fawkin' STOOPAD. There's no other reason.
Originally posted by solrac
Like I said, it's either a trait left over from OS 9 that they were too lazy or oblivious to remove, or they are fawkin' STOOPAD. There's no other reason.
No, if they wanted to apps to stay open, they would have done so. It's Microsoft, for Chrissake. They write freakin' programs for Mac, and you say that they're too "fawkin' STOOPAD" to understand a little checkbox.

Right. :rolleyes: How very Mac-centric of you.
If they really aren't stupid because they are Microsoft, then the ONLY reason for it is a trait left over from OS 9 that they forgot to remove, or were too lazy or rushed to remove.

There are only two (2) reasons for this:
1) Trait from OS 9 that wasn't removed
2) They are idiots

There is no other explanation.
1. There is no way that it is a "trait" left over from the OS 9 version, because I hase seen installers made with the same software.

And 2. the people at Microsoft CAN'T be idiots, because they did this with several other installers, like the Office installer. And if I'm not mistaken, Windows Media Player 7 for X does not force you to quit your apps.

That eliminates those possiblities, leaving the floor open for more intelligent debate.
the office installer is a drag and drop installation. The installer is OPTIONAL.


Microsoft is just too huge. It's so huge they didn't catch that stupid mistake.
Do you think they would continue to leave this "stupid mistake" in the installer, when so many people have complained about it, if they didn't have a method behind the madness?