WWDC News Reports Here!

How can I get a live text update of this? I've never used an IRC client before. Is that what I need? Will iChat work for this?

Sorry so dumb, never done that before.
Jobs says as he tries to talk with someone over in France[19:48]
Jobs and French man speaking
over iChat AV
small delay of course
notice: Video AND Audio!
This is awesome stuff, all coming to you live from the WWDC keynote
"We're going to be talking to Paris live here on iChat AV"
makes it full screen
'again, this is going to change the way we work'
French guy makes a joke
cant hear because of EVERYONE LAUGHING
Don't worry, CyberGoober. They said they had "so much to show you guys they'll have to take a break halfway." and they haven't yet ...
Originally posted by mindbend
How can I get a live text update of this? I've never used an IRC client before. Is that what I need? Will iChat work for this?

Sorry so dumb, never done that before.

Go to http://www.macnn.com and click the live coverage link. Page auto-updates every 2 minutes
stefano says
"its awesome"
'whats it like to receive a call...lets see'
'this is going to change, totally, how we speak with eachother'
it rings like a phone
crowd is laughing because
Jobs: "Where are you" Gore: "Im downtown, LA"
"Im a visiting V.P. for short"
"Thank you very much Al."
"I really appreciate this."
iSight.... new video camera by Apple. 30fps, 640x480, Auto focus, Auto exposure... 149.... All the developers there get free iSights
Video of Panther showing
basically disses longhorn
by showing a cow eating grass
crowd is laughing it up
it has a companion product...video CAMERA
called iSIGHT (see link i posted before)
"eyes and ears of ichat"
30 fps, 480x480 resolution"
'Auto exposure"
"noise compression"
one single firewire
'we said that ichat works with every camera. and it does. comparision between isight and some other popular camera
stefano says
"How much....?"
*drum rolls.......*
'its a really big deal'
we're back after the commercial break (joke :))
fits on ibooks, imacs, emacs
camera is always on top of your screen
where it needs to be
shows how it fits on portables
All developers are happy :)
"We want to kick video conferencing off"
"Thats isight...an amazing camera. Eyes and ears of ichat"

"next big topic."
"this called XCode"
"Completely new set up developer tools"
"For mac os X"
"Number 1 thing...SPEED"
"We're using new GCC 3.3 compiler"
Definitely faster.
jaguar tools were 10 x slower than XCode's
"We changed the rules again"
Jobs is pimping the speed

Panther: end of 2003 says www.mac-tv.de (:()
Just to update you all. Safari 1.0 release TODAY. Panther, Mac OS X 10.3 with tons of new features in the finder, mail, font usage all out for $129.
New iChat with video and audio messaging, and a new iProduct. The iSight, a firewire digital camera, with 480 res @ 30fps.

Jaguar tools: 29 secs, codewarrior 9 seconds, Xcode 3 seconds
"To demonstrate, lets apple employee #8 Chris Estanosa (sp?)"
first joined apple in 1976

mac-tv.de: iSight size = Half of AA-batery (!!!)
"sounds like a really boring demo..."
talking about developer stuff
"This is really boring stuff."
Salas: Don't you like watching l33t r4w code be compiled into BINARY?
20:09:03: Salas: "Hella boring"
"speed is amazing"
demo x code
Big emphasis on speed here

isight: http://nuche.homedns.org/wwdc/wwdc40.jpg
I'm impressed... and we're still rolling.
So far:
- Panther - mail view by threads, switch users, font manager, etc.
- iChat AV
- iSight 640x480 at 30fps camera
- New Developer Tools "XCode" with new debugging and compiling capabilities