WWDC News Reports Here!

One more thing
"There was a funny thing that happened last thursday."
.............. it's coming :)
"The reaction to these were
Nothing could be this good"
"It's reallly marketing"
(mirror : http://www.eternaltedium.com/isight.jpg)
It wasn't fake."
"it's true."
"We cant even begin to tell you the story"

"Now, theres three things

more to come, just wanted to see this to you already :D
we wanted to build the fastest personal computer in the world
to make the coolest computers in the universe
we succeeded
#1 its a 64-bit processor
econdly: it is running at up to 2 GHZ
econdly: it is running at up to 2 GHZ
this is the fastest 64 bit processor ever
third: it has a 1 GHZ frontside bus (:D !!!! INSANE!!! :D)
fastest front side bus, ever
built for full symetical systems
built for dual processor systems
this is the new G5...entirely new architecture
massively parallel
12 unit core
"Its so good...i dont know what it means"
G5 Powerbook wordt dus blaren krijgen...
"Its just the beginning. IBM has done a phenominial job"
Salas: jobs lists numbers
Salas: "Its so good...i dont know what it means"
Salas: "Its just the beginning. IBM has done a phenominial job"
toch steve Wonder
Salas: 58 million transistors...i dont know how they count them
Salas: This is the new G5...its amazing.
Salas: Just amazing.
Salas: (Shows wafer with all the chips on it)
Salas: processor built in USA
Yay! The G5 is real ... and the specs are at the top of the range that the rumour mongers were speculating: 2ghz with 1ghz front side bus... Whoa!
Salas: jobs shows giant wafers of g5s
Salas: IBM guy coming out
Salas: ibm says 'what a great day for apple...and ibm"
Salas: YOu're probably thinking
Salas: how did we do this
Salas: well, what we did was we went to ibm and took the core of our highest performance
Salas: we took our best technology
richy: (those wafers are fabricated in IBM's East Fishkill NY 300mm facility - thanks rover)
Salas: This is very advanced technlogoy
Salas: (crowd claps)
(waiting for price........ :))
Salas: "Our roadmap is going to "knock your socks off""
Salas: "steve, thank you very much."
Salas: "We've been working closely with IBM for a few years now on the G5"
Salas: We start off building a system
Salas: with a chip that apple designed (senne: cool!)
Salas: G5 system controller
Salas: dedicated bandwidth
Salas: dedicated bandwidth
Salas: for each subsystem
Salas: G5 as we talked about, 1 ghz bus
8 GB per second bandwidth
DDR 5-directional ram
it screams
one processor does not slow it up at
then we have memory
we decided to go with
400 mhz 128-bit DDR memory
6.4 gb/sec bandwidth
we decided to use latest
AGP 8X PRO graphics
2 gb/sec
latest ATI, NVIDIA vid cards

(more... already posting)
133 MHz PCI-X slots
hypertransport interconnect
next, storage
for storage, we go latest
independent interfaces
apple designed IO chip
with hypertransport
(senne: cool: i have more than 1000 posts now :))
Firewire 800/400
USB 2.0 (!!)
optical/digital AUDIO
whole new generation of computers
dual processors, up to 8 GB of memory
"Dear Santa, ..." :)
past the 4 gb barrier
"Why is this so important
"G5 as we said, is a monster in terms of bandwidth
memory 6.4 gb/bandwidth
40 times faster
4X Superdrive in all models
Geforce4 5200, Radeon 9600 Pro
you can configure however you want (!!!!)
"to hold our next gen computer"
(case coming)
All AI enclosure

more to come, wait

--> you can see through it
The new G5s look... actual brushed metal, all aluminum. I'm sorry, but it really doesn't look as good as the G4.
you can see through it
"its crazy"
door aluminium?
"its unlike anything ive ever seen"
More square of a case
(screenshot is coming asap)
With the bandwidth of the memory you can transfer a DVD in a second. Sick
computer controlled cooling system

9 times louder? No, opposite is true. We can make it a lot quieter"
35 dba fans
(AAPL 18.91 -1,51%)
'amazing enclosure, plenty of room'
'single or dual G5
8 gb
500 gb storage
4x superdrive
much quieter
(this computer is ...... FREAKIN..... f'ed up!:D)
this is the new G5
'beautiful handles'
stefano "looks like giant powerbook'"
1.6 GHz G5
80 gb hd
g4 6200
1.8 ghz g5
dual 2 ghz g5
with radeon 9600
go to our website, configure everything you want
"Dual 3 ghz Xeon"
"fastest pc we could find...from DELL"
"When people say high end macs are more expensive than pcs...you can tell them to look at these." (:D)
Shipping in August.
1.6ghz G5, 80Gb - 1999$
1.8ghz - 2399$
and dp 2ghz G5 - 3000$
<Salas>2) 3.06 ghz P4, 3.06 ghz Xeon
compare with spec tests
--> benchmarking

(more to come, alread posting)