Salas: jobs shows giant wafers of g5s
Salas: IBM guy coming out
Salas: ibm says 'what a great day for apple...and ibm"
Salas: YOu're probably thinking
Salas: how did we do this
Salas: well, what we did was we went to ibm and took the core of our highest performance
Salas: we took our best technology
richy: (those wafers are fabricated in IBM's East Fishkill NY 300mm facility - thanks rover)
Salas: This is very advanced technlogoy
Salas: (crowd claps)
(waiting for price........

Salas: "Our roadmap is going to "knock your socks off""
Salas: "steve, thank you very much."
Salas: "We've been working closely with IBM for a few years now on the G5"
Salas: We start off building a system
Salas: with a chip that apple designed (senne: cool!)
Salas: G5 system controller
Salas: dedicated bandwidth
Salas: dedicated bandwidth
Salas: for each subsystem
Salas: G5 as we talked about, 1 ghz bus
8 GB per second bandwidth
DDR 5-directional ram
it screams
one processor does not slow it up at
then we have memory
we decided to go with
400 mhz 128-bit DDR memory
6.4 gb/sec bandwidth
we decided to use latest
AGP 8X PRO graphics
2 gb/sec
latest ATI, NVIDIA vid cards
(more... already posting)