WWDC predictions!

Last year Apple brought us the G5 and raised the bar. This year Apple may have another computing breakthrough, we dont know. But, I am certain that they must not raise the bar; but this time they must shatter it.

What would you like Apple to introduce this year?

Any Takers?
Speed bumped G5s, with another announcement of the forthcoming 3GHz chips in the near future.

Perhaps a G5 chip in the iMacs.

Some new iPod update, either hardware or software.

Recap of the iTunes Music Store with a lot of gloating about how successful it is.

I doubt anything will be groundbreaking or will "shatter" anything. I predict a mediocre show with a mediocre response.
Color screen iPods, that run OS X mini. 802.11g + bluetooth built in, can stream video to computer/TV wirelessly. Can recieve video/sound from TV/computer wirelessly. Have mini versions of iTunes, Quicktime, iPhoto. 100gb. iTunes movie store, selling DVD Quality copies of every movie made, movies on the store the day they come out in theaters.

I can Dream :D
iTMS Europe!
G5 update - speed bump near to but NOT 3Ghz - new apple studio displays
iMac update, a good 1 hopefully (allthought I doubt G5) maybe a new form factor again - drop the 15' make it 17' 19' 21' ???
ipod update - of sum sorts?
(small) powerbook and ibook update - airport extreme built in in ALL models
bluetooth built in across entire apple range range.
- Doubt they will update the powerbooks/ibooks.
- New line of displays
- iMacs are defiantly due for an upgrade (G5). I personally think they would have updated them to 1.5 G4's by now if they weren't holding out until WWDC to launch G5 iMac's.
- Spoken Interface demo
- G5 PowerMac updates
- iTunes Europe update and re-cap London Store Opening in Europe this autumn. (I think itunes Europe will launch on the day the store opens).
- Steve will probably chat to one of his famous Mac fans over iChat AV as usual.
- Steve will defiantly ware blue Levi's, black polo neck and trainers; also have lots of bottles of water.
ablack6596 said:
Color screen iPods, that run OS X mini. 802.11g + bluetooth built in, can stream video to computer/TV wirelessly. Can recieve video/sound from TV/computer wirelessly. Have mini versions of iTunes, Quicktime, iPhoto. 100gb. iTunes movie store, selling DVD Quality copies of every movie made, movies on the store the day they come out in theaters.

I can Dream :D

VERY COOL! I already want one.
Well, something needs to be done to take the emphasis off of PowerBook G5. Now, that could mean actually announcing a PowerBook G5 that will ship in the near future, or that could mean making a small form factor G5, by "limiting" the RAM to 4 slots (2 banks of 2), reduced CPU speed compared to the refreshed G5 line, two expansion slots, gigabit LAN and the normal USB2, FW400, FW800, with built in wireless (54G and BlueTooth).

Consider this with the PowerBooks. Say the usual Apple product life span is 4-6 months. Apple announced and shipped the new PowerBooks the same day in April. That's three months before WWDC. If Apple doesn't ship the product for, judging by the v1 G5, another three or so months after that, that'll put them right at the sweet spot and get a lot of school purchases for the new educational season. People that need the laptop will stick it out with the G4, if they can wait, they'll be waiting no matter what anyway (like me).

Ok, so how about this...

12" 1.33GHz - Combo Drive - drops to $1499
12" 1.33GHz - SuperDrive - drops to $1699

15" 1.33GHz - Combo Drive - drops to $1899
15" 1.5GHz - SuperDrive - drops to $2299
15" 1.6GHz G5 - SuperDrive - $2599 shipping in September

17" 1.5GHz - SuperDrive - $2799
17" 1.6GHz G5 - SuperDrive - $2999

Makes sense to me. Fills in more voids in the pricing, drops pricing to entice people to buy now and doesn't make the G4 speeds look horrible, by the numbers.
PowerMac update...3ghz range on the top model.
iMacs...g5 based.

For some reason I also think we might see a new app being released.
I think Apple needs to have something to do with 3GHz at WWDC...

Too much has been made about Steve's promise and there's too many phobias out there of seeing another 500MHz issue like we saw with G4.
Alex is pretty close to the money with his predictions:
- Spoken Interface demo
- G5 PowerMac updates Quite likely.
- iTunes Europe update and re-cap London Store Opening in Europe this autumn. (I think itunes Europe will launch on the day the store opens). Yup, can definitely see this as being likely.
- Steve will defiantly wear blue Levi's, black polo neck and trainers; also have lots of bottles of water. Steve actually had a wardrobe full of these black turtlenecks made up for him so he could 'focus on more important things' than what to wear.
* iMac: No G5 update here, nor are there likely to be any serious changes here.
* iPod: quote from Apple's iPod updater info: "iPod Update 2004-04-28 supports all models of iPod and iPod mini introduced before April 28, 2004." (The date of the WWDC is June 28 to July 2). I'd expect the iPods to get a capacity bump, a slight drop in price, and *perhaps* built-in voice recording and/or FM-radio features. An aluminium finished iPod to match the Powerbooks and PowerMacs might be a reasonable thing to expect, too.
* PowerBook: Not likely to see any significant updates.
* iBook: Maybe a small update, such as to the graphic set, but nothing too drastic.
Realistically, speed bumped G5's going up to 3GHz at the least. Demonstrations of Tiger, 10.4, which will probably have things like Smart Folders, folders that keep alias's of certain things on your harddrive based on rules you set up. Expanded functionality built into the Finder. Expanded features in the Open and Save dialogs to leverage capabilities of iPhoto and iTunes. For example, if you are in Photoshop, you can have the standard Open Dialog, or with a change of view, see all your images and all the album's in iPhoto, and open them directly without having to open iPhoto. Same would go for Music. We will probably see more features that take advantage of Quartz Extreme, like maybe some additional functionality of Expose, maybe some new way of doing multiple desktops. I think either with Tiger, or some other release we will see more stuff from programs such as iSync and iCal. We have seen updates to these, but iSync's updates have pretty much been driver updates. iCal can use some more functionality, but it seems pretty obvious they are working on something bigger then we think. Mac-To-Mobile didn't take off the way everyone was originally thinking, but bluetooth cellphones are becoming more and more prevalent, so as these things come in an upswing, Apple will probably pull an ace from their sleeve.
I predict that Apple will offer some things that will make many people quite happy while at the same time, an equally large number will grumble and grouse about how Apple is letting the masses down because they weren't yet offered what they want.
They'll be more than likely to give a rough estimate of the shipping date, if not the actual release date.
If the Voice Recognition is, as rumored, to be a big part of Tiger, then I would think Steve would want to show that off. Especially with Longhorn nowhere close and unable to jump onto the bandwagon first.
I never realized they were already doing a preview of Tiger. Did they do one of Jaguar at WWDC two years ago as well?
It looks like it was just announced today. This is the first I've heard of it, officially, and I'm a registered/paid member and attending WWDC.

They did do a preview of Panther last year...I was one of the brave souls willing to simply bite the bullet and install right over their Jaguar partition while sitting at the State of the Union address...and I'll do it again! :)

Well, maybe I'll use a second partition, just to be safe. ;)

If Jobs is going to be there, all of a sudden, which we all assumed he would be, this is either to:

A. Boost registration
B. They found a way to 3GHz
C. They found a way to get a G5 into the PowerBook, high end 15 and 17 as I suggested.

C'mon, Steve won't wanna be on stage and leave the crowd not begging for an encore, or at least Free Bird. :)