My bet is on predatory birds, like "Mac OS X Falcon"

Predictions? Some boring iTMS recap, 100M songs, 5M iPods, rampant mini success etc. Probably some 3d party gadgets/add-ons for the mini will be presented.
Tiger will be announced and demoed, new features/integrations, maybe hand out a beta to the participants, new spoken interface, some nasty remarks about Longhorn
Then the hardware, figures about the G5 sales, Steve: "remember when I announced 3GHz in a year?", I bet he'll be able to pull out a 3GHz G5 from somewhere (shipping in Q1 2005 ?). New displays have been rumoured for two years now, should be due now.
Maybe another small *Books bump? New iMacs? Or will they wait for the iMac G5 to redesign them? Or will they wait for MWSF 2005?
I'm sure he'll also recap the NAB announcements, touting the Mac as the platform of choice for music/graphic/design/movie professionals around the world etc. etc. Probably he'll have another bake-off with Phil or a fellow CEO on-stage to flatter the Mac.
... and there will be one more (amazing) thing!