wwdc updates

I must say, though, that this update was far more impressive than I expected it to be. I had been expecting a 64-bit OS wrapped in updated iLife...

Launchbar (which I never ended up registering) is residing uselessly in my Applications folder at the moment. If Spotlight can also browse my applications, I'll be very happy with it. I must say that its icon made me gasp with fear of a new version of Sherlock...

I like the Dashboard. I never ever downloaded Konfabulator - I never really heard anything very impressive about it. I heard about memory leaks and tackiness. This Exposé-like implementation is wonderful - if it's ugly, it doesn't matter, it's offscreen. I do wish that I could scrawl in the Stickies (or normal Stickies for that matter) with Ink. It would have been a very nifty feature with Ink. I DID notice that the tile game returned! Sadly it didn't come stock with the rainbow Apple logo in greyscale as the image, â la retro-Mac. The ugly new Aqua design creeps into the Widgets here too... hrrrmm :S. I really, really like the even balance between white, blue, and grey in Panther - it's perfectly balanced. Jaguar was too white and too pinstripey, Windows is too BRIGHT and seemingly totally without design flair - but Panther got it RIGHT.

I think the new SysPref features look clever, but ugly; very much with a Windows feel.

Address Book now has date features, notably Birthdates, which is GREAT - I have them all in a calendar on iCal... I very much hope they have simple Shared Address Books, like iTunes and iPhoto libraries, but it doesn't look that way.

Metadata has been heavily utilised - and not invented, either, just utilised for the first time. Smart folders are infiltrating every app on the desktop - most notably, and most usefully, in Mail! Thank you Apple!

I LOVE the Automator. Very swish - I hope it's as useful as it could be - effectively GUIfying AppleScript, although it, and the Search Results from Spotlight etc both have DISTINCTLY XP feels about them. *pines for OS X-y designconscious goodness*

Not entirely sure here, but it looks like the new iChat could be VERY useful! If it uses better compression, perhaps I'll actually be allowed to run it on my dialup connection! It has a built-in limiter at the present, which means I can't even talk to people if my connection to them is 49Kbps, instead of the coveted 50... The conference call thing looks swish too, but I just have no logical way to use it.

.Mac services are useless to me, because (A) I can't afford them and (B) I don't have a credit card, so the new Sync features are out of place. I do hope they don't replace iSync, because they certainly sound as though they have. I really have grown to like iSync's functionality, it's icon in my menubar.

VoiceOver is very cool, or at least it seems that way - I can't find any flaws with it, but then again, I would PROBABLY only use it once or twice. Those Voice-Activation based programs are all very... tuned to the American accent - they don't pick up the finer points of the Aussie vernacular :P. But we'll see.

Xcode 2.0 is great - although not nearly the leap forward from Project Builder to Xcode 1.0. It just does what Xcode always does, only better, with a few more features. It still feels like a v1.5, that they just decided was as good as it was likely to need to get. I still want it to compile faster...

In the end, Tiger looks great (well... sounds great). And the name is really growing on me. The Tiger logo of the Panther X with a Tiger fur background is nice, perhaps we'll finally be able to update our Faux Fur which is a revision behind so far. Now just so long as they allow me to turn off the horrible Blueness on the sides of my screen, and to remove this NEW aqua look from everything, I'll be completely happy...

..but I AM just one guy :)
Oh, and CoreImage looks like it's bringing us the ability to do what the Longhorn Alt-Tab DirectX features look to do, and the SUN Looking Glass features do, particularly with the settings behind the widgets...

Funnily though, the Australian Apple page has a different logo for it than its US counterpart...
Hehe... I was thinking the same thing about those damn blue "things" in the upper corners of the screen, but you know, they kinda grew on me after a while -- it does bring back a sense of a "balanced" desktop, and I'm almost positive that by applying the "Graphite" appearance scheme in the "Appearance" Preference Pane that they'll turn a nice shade of grey, too... which would look nice, IMO.

Damn... I'm hobbling along with a maxed out G4/PCI machine, and the new graphics and animations are making me want to get a better AGP machine! I'm also pretty positive about those new graphics not being available to non-Quartz Extreme users! :(
texanpenguin said:
Funnily though, the Australian Apple page has a different logo for it than its US counterpart...

Hey! Weird!

Look under the ".Mac Sync" in the orange bar to the right on the Australian -- is that how you spell "valuable" down under?