Try this (from http://www.macplus.fr)
$> su
type the root password.
$> open -e /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/Resources/French.lproj/DockMenus.plist
The file opens with TextEdit, find in the text "1013", then replace "<key>command</key>" by "<key>menu</key>" under the selected line, do the same by finding "1014", save.
Just click on the separation bar on the Dock !!!
$> su
type the root password.
$> open -e /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/Resources/French.lproj/DockMenus.plist
The file opens with TextEdit, find in the text "1013", then replace "<key>command</key>" by "<key>menu</key>" under the selected line, do the same by finding "1014", save.
Just click on the separation bar on the Dock !!!