Originally posted by roger
I own a few websites. I like to keep them lightweight so no flash or heavy graphics. is my personal one. The webcam is down at the moment, but I will bring it back up soon. A simple site that does its job - no more, no less. The photo pages have been created automatically with iPhoto or a couple of other packages that I have been experimenting with so they are very basic. is a commercial one that a few of us setup. It was developed using a Mac and BBEdit. Underlying technology is perl with hash files. I had to develop a lazy writer process (like most modern relational databases) in order to stop log files gettin mixed up. Quite a simple site, but functional. The data was the tricky bit - had to do a bit of walking around London. The cunning thing about this web site is that the graphics resize depending upon the resolution of your screen, though it only does this up to a certain resolution. We based the resolutions used from the most common ones used in London Offices. Ignore the counter though - it is total rubbish. is a very, very simple web site, for a comms product that I have created - probably not worth looking at. It uses ASP and used to have SQL Server beneath it, but the ISP managed to break the server once, and I haven't bothered to get it back.
nice personal site other ones well i won't utter my disapointment.
i like the aqua interface on your personal one