Your website

Originally posted by roger
I own a few websites. I like to keep them lightweight so no flash or heavy graphics. is my personal one. The webcam is down at the moment, but I will bring it back up soon. A simple site that does its job - no more, no less. The photo pages have been created automatically with iPhoto or a couple of other packages that I have been experimenting with so they are very basic. is a commercial one that a few of us setup. It was developed using a Mac and BBEdit. Underlying technology is perl with hash files. I had to develop a lazy writer process (like most modern relational databases) in order to stop log files gettin mixed up. Quite a simple site, but functional. The data was the tricky bit - had to do a bit of walking around London. The cunning thing about this web site is that the graphics resize depending upon the resolution of your screen, though it only does this up to a certain resolution. We based the resolutions used from the most common ones used in London Offices. Ignore the counter though - it is total rubbish. is a very, very simple web site, for a comms product that I have created - probably not worth looking at. It uses ASP and used to have SQL Server beneath it, but the ISP managed to break the server once, and I haven't bothered to get it back.


nice personal site other ones well i won't utter my disapointment.

i like the aqua interface on your personal one :)
my portfolio which is practically useless and does not contain many other good things i made:

note: i'm hosting it on a friends server.

this is one i did for co-op and is best vewed with ie or net 6 i think.... i know! bad victor! i promise to never do this again! it's just that most people that will see the site will use ie and windows...

temporarily hosted on my freinds server untill final touches added.
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Originally posted by vic

nice personal site other ones well i won't utter my disapointment.

:confused: Is it just me, or was that really mean? :confused:

Watch it, man. We don't tell you our websites so you can take potshots.

-the valrus
Originally posted by Valrus
:eek: :eek: :eek:

:confused: Is it just me, or was that really mean? :confused:

Watch it, man. We don't tell you our websites so you can take potshots.

-the valrus

take a shot. no really, you think i can't handle it?

and i meant that with honesty. why should i even post if i can't be honest? the guy's personal site rocks ass so i am not insulting the guy or his skills, it's obvious he has skills ok?! but maybe he should apply them to other things than his personal site, i dunno why he did not, maybe he did not get paid enough, who knows. :) and trust me i've been involved in so may flame wars i've developed this sort of imunity too it now. ;)
and next time when you quote me quote my entire message please especially if you are going to criticize it. i don't like to be taken out of context.
Disappointment with Roger's other two sites, is what you meant.

Sorry, I misunderstood. I thought you meant the web sites other people had put up here, in which case it would, I think, have qualified as unconstructive criticism. And that's why I took only half of your quote - I didn't think the other half was about the same thing.

Sorry again for the misunderstanding. I'm not looking for a fight.

-the valrus

In defence of my other two sites, they are actually the ones that people have complimented me on. The Icotrade site is a straight HTML page, nothing more, nothing less. It was developed with one thing in mind - target a specific type of customer and let them know what they needed. A lot of people who have been to the site have said what a nice change it is not to have a heavy, cluttered site where you can't find what you are looking for. On the whole, end users hate flash for that very reason.

The other one was really developed as an exercise in UML, and still gets over 1000 hits a day. People who want to find a sandwich shop in the City in London find it useful ...hmmm, a new concept for the web.

I design large scale systems for a living, using many technologies. I am not interested in the latest fashionable way of doing things, but more delivering functionality that the users want. The bane of my life are developers straight out of college who want to do everything the hardest way. I know what I am talking about here - I get paid a lot of money by the largest financial institutions to work on mission critical systems.

End of Rant.


PS. Those two web sites make me money. Do yours?
Originally posted by roger

In defence of my other two sites, they are actually the ones that people have complimented me on. The Icotrade site is a straight HTML page, nothing more, nothing less. It was developed with one thing in mind - target a specific type of customer and let them know what they needed. A lot of people who have been to the site have said what a nice change it is not to have a heavy, cluttered site where you can't find what you are looking for. On the whole, end users hate flash for that very reason.

The other one was really developed as an exercise in UML, and still gets over 1000 hits a day. People who want to find a sandwich shop in the City in London find it useful ...hmmm, a new concept for the web.

I design large scale systems for a living, using many technologies. I am not interested in the latest fashionable way of doing things, but more delivering functionality that the users want. The bane of my life are developers straight out of college who want to do everything the hardest way. I know what I am talking about here - I get paid a lot of money by the largest financial institutions to work on mission critical systems.

End of Rant.


PS. Those two web sites make me money. Do yours?

hey man relax, did i say they don't make money? did i say they are not functional? i just think design wise your personal site is better looking than the other too, there is no reason why a simple site can be functiona and good looking at the same time. an no my sites arent making money that's why i said that my porfolio site is useless, and th eother project was done for co-op whish is voluntary work. but i do have other multimedia projects that are making me money, mind you not much but hey i'ts a begining.
Comon guys this is a place to share your work and to give people an oppourtunity to look or read it. Don't argue or insult any of it. If you don't like some of it, just shut up about it, or at least give constructive critisim.

Theres some really great stuff I'm seeing here!
Originally posted by mfhaque
here's my site..

basically my site contains all my artwork, sketches, illustrations, paintings, 3d graphics etc.
Very very cool!

I've been making Web sites for almost 7 year, but I probably could not do this so well... I'm not really a design guy, so I gess I could do if is someone else decided how it should look...

Now I'm starting to feel shy about posting my own...
Originally posted by Bluefusion
I had, which is now defunct,but it featured my writing and poems and stuff... then there's, which features my music, and, which is where you actually HEAR the music. I'm working on at the moment, which will combine all of them back together.
Are you familiar with the band Enigma?
Sorry for so many post in a row, but I guess it is now time for my personal Web site that I never have enought time to care for.

This is ColdFusion hosted on WinDoze 2000, but it is entirely built with BBedit... (oh! ...and PhotoShop and iPhoto...)
Wow, Tom I really respect you for posting all that stuff on your site for everyone to read. That has to take courage!
Either you are out or you are not. I am out.

My site is usually visited by family/fiends, so it is not so curageous since they all already know. ;) I don't hide it, but I stopped making a big deal out of it a long time ago.

I don't get too much hate mail... but I do get some. Its kind of sad, really.

I guess we could move to Holland or something, but in reality the SF bay area is great. An Islamic theocracy it is not. :cool:

Jeff and I will be celebrating 11 years together in May! :D
TommyWillB wrote:
usually visited by family/fiends
So are you calling your unix daemons fiends? Or do you mean something else entirely? Like meeting someone evil on the street and giving them your web address... :D

And no fair editing your post to correct the spelling. :) You did that to me already in another thread.

Congrats on the 11 years!
Tom, I forgot to ask -- Where were you when it was snowing in Tucson?

I almost asked what year it was; I had forgotten that it snowed this year. :) But I remember being at work (in Oro Valley, about 10 miles north of Tucson proper) with everyone basically panicking because it was snowing. :D Nothing stuck for more than ten minutes, but when I drove home that day people were driving about 25 mph in a 50 mph zone... :p