Recent content by kommakazi

  1. K

    MacUser UK article on Marklar

    Nothing new here...
  2. K

    Mac OS X 10.3 "Panther" Won't Support G3

    Doesn't anyone get it? OS X was never optimized for thr G3! Apple is probably just adding more G4-only features. Technology marches on. Live with it. Do you want OS X to support your Mac SE too right away?
  3. K

    Mac OS X 10.3 "Panther" Won't Support G3

    WWWWWWWhat? I'm sure everyone realizes it's bound to happen sometime eventually...But the point here was that it's not going to happen at MWSF, it's not a near future transition.
  4. K

    Earliest Mac

    Also explain how the beige G3 is an older system, the oldest supported by OS X to explain the slowness you will prevent that spiraling 'Macs suck' spiel.
  5. K

    Can Mac display on remote machine

    Or try Timbuktu Pro.... It's not what you're describing here, but it's a cross platform remote desktop control app, well designed and it just works.
  6. K

    iMac Dead upon trying Mac OS 10.2 install

    It is indeed in the read-me displayed to you right in the installer than you have to click OK to get past. They are called 'read-me's for a reason.
  7. K

    [HOWTO] Simulate a restart for testing purposes

    I've known this for some time, never thought to share it though, it is quite useful. And it looks funny when the OS X boot screen pops up on top of your desktop (use -g). And why would you use 'sudo shutdown -r now' when you can just type 'sudo reboot'...using shutdown with the -r option just...
  8. K

    My university likes Jaguar apparently!

    Yeah it is!... if every 10.x update from now on will be a pay one (most likely) and they release them at the same rate (1/year) at the same cost ($129) You do the math... $40/year rather than $129/year. I doubt you have to get it every year either if you don't want to. So you're saving $90.
  9. K

    Register Here

    Count me in. Mac Plus's own :D
  10. K

    Mac OS X 10.3 "Panther" Won't Support G3

    OS X is already very much like that...many optimizations for the G4 but has anyone heard of something in OS X optimized for a G3? Nope. Apple is probably just adding in various enhancements to the next version of Jaguar to really make it fly (I'm actually thinking they might use AltiVec more for...
  11. K

    Easily Caused Kernel Panic Mac OS X 10.2.2

    I tried it on my iBook for fun...yup kernel panic. woohoo. How often does anyone actually do this? That's the real question...
  12. K

    AMD's Newest Licensee Is Officially Apple!

    I'm not Itanium but I think it's a good idea :D
  13. K

    AMD's Newest Licensee Is Officially Apple!

    AltiVec is no more than a vector processing unit, something AMD could easily add to their own chips for we would be looking at no loss here at all, the only real difference would come in the processor. This is one of the many reasons I think a switch could be very beneficial... We'd...
  14. K

    AMD's Newest Licensee Is Officially Apple!

    You personally believe this? Do you have something that can actually back this up? Your personal belief doesn't mean anything (don't take that personally) unless you happen to be a head honcho over at AMD. AMD has always made x86 processors...even RISC x86 processors. AMD had an entire line of...
  15. K

    AMD new licensee, Apple

    oops hit 'Quote' rather than 'Edit'