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    Survey: What DON'T you like about how OSX behaves?

    I forgot two things: The clock: - The digital clock is always in military time (unless I'm missing a setting somewhere...) - I can't click on it to see the date. I have to use that silly pull-down. The mouse: I like how OSX natively supports right-clicking. Yet, for whatever...
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    Survey: What DON'T you like about how OSX behaves?

    Well, it's not as simple as it used to be, that's for sure. Having to mouse down to the dock, wait for it to pop-up, and then find the finder icon is a lot less efficient than just clicking on one of the open application windows. Apple should have allowed you to option-click on a window to...
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    Survey: What DON'T you like about how OSX behaves?

    Oh...Kilowatt...I'm not sure if I understand your argument between Carbon and Cocoa. They produce the same end-result, just using slightly different APIs and libraries, correct? AFAIK, if you were writing an app from scratch, there would be no real benefit to use one or the other.
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    Survey: What DON'T you like about how OSX behaves?

    First of all, I like OSX. That said, it is really OS1. It's the first version of a new OS and it needs a LOT of polish. Here are my dislikes. Apple got rid of 20 years worth of innovation. There were several Mac-only interface behaviors that worked GREAT and, for whatever reason, Apple got...
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    Anyone using Broadband optimizer?

    Duh. I didn't actually restart OSX. I just logged out and back in. I finally had to reboot into 9 (damn Canon...get those OSX drivers done!) and upon rebooting back into OSX, it works fine. Cool.
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    Powerpoint question

    Ok, this isn't really OSX specific, but i am using Powerpoint in it. Let me preface by saying that I hate PPT with a passion. That said, I need to do a presentation. I'm trying to set up a master slide that has multiple, editable text boxes. The ONLY way I can seem to do this is to go...
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    Broadband Optimizer Updated

    Well, I can't get it to work on my machine, but I did reconfigure settings in the terminal to what broadband optimizer sets. I ran the line speed test from DSL reports both before and after. Before I was getting roughly 200k up and 200k down. After I was getting roughly 200k up and 400k...
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    Anyone using Broadband optimizer?

    Er...sorry for the confusion. That is what I have (my hard drive is called OS X).
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    Anyone using Broadband optimizer?

    I have it as such: OS X/Library/StartupItems/BroadbandOptimizer/files... Should I move the files out of the BroadbandOptimizer folder and place them in the main StartupItems folder?
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    Anyone using Broadband optimizer?

    Is anyone using broadband optimizer to increase packet sizes? I downloaded and installed it but it does not seem to work. It doesn't automatically change my packet settings for me. If I follow the instrucitons on the site above manually in...
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    Why is my OSX so slow?

    Thanks for all of the advice. For the record, I do have OS9 on a different partition. Well, I went in and turned off a ton of extensions, restarted, and it was STILL slowing OSX down. On a whim, I quit Stickies in OS9. PROBLEM FIXED! For whatever reason, Stickies in OS9 was a major...
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    web design

    I do agree with that. Though I actually embrace the term 'selling out.' All designers should. A lot of designers (graphic, industrial, architects, etc.) often forget that they are NOT 'artists'. They are designers. You HAVE to sell out to be a designer. It's a commercial endeavor. Good design...
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    Better Bookmark application?

    I now find that I am using a handful of different browsers. Are there any good bookmark management applications out there for OSX, that, ideally, also can share their DB with their OS9 counterpart?
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    web design

    Should the vehicle I drive be small and fuel efficient, or should I get a less efficient but much larger SUV? That's basically the question you were asking. You can't answer a question like that without understanding the parameters. Good design (ANY design) is all about providing a good...
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    SMB Browser. Where is it? Did you get it to work?

    Well, I DID download it from somewhere, but I don't remember where. That's the catch. ;) You'd think that there would be a URL in the documentation or something, but there isn't. I THOUGHT I got the link off of, but I can't seem to find it on there at all now.
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    Why is my OSX so slow?

    Not many. But that's no excuse to make labels totally irrelevant, does it? Obviously I had to use it and then had to figure out what TrueBlue meant. "f it said CLASSIC, then, hell, that must be classic hogging my processor." Ah. Well, it's the stock G4 card, so I assume it should be...
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    What causes Kernel crashes?

    Not sure. Is there a way to tell if I have any kernel extensions running?
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    Why is my OSX so slow?

    Hey Rinse. As noted in my previous post, it is clearly a Classic problem. If I don't run classic, OSX runs perfectly. As for OpenGL...what is that? How would I know if it is installed properly or not? As for labeling it TrueBlue, yea, I understand why they named it that, but you would...
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    Why is my OSX so slow?

    JJJ: Yep that was it. I'm glad Apple used such an obvious process label for classic (yes, I'm being sarcastic ;) ) If I quit classic, OSX runs smooth as can be. However, the Beige 233 seems to run classic just fine, so I'm thinking it is an app in OS9 that is slowing down classic which, in...
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    Why does Internet Explorer suck in OSX?

    Well, I've been using Opera in OS9 and have liked it a lot. It's fast. It's missing some of the nice things in IE that I've grown to love (pop up windows behind the main window, that tabs on the left, etc...) but the Google bar almost makes up for that! I downloaded iCab twice but it was...