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  1. Z

    Sugestion for DVD on a B&W?

    Folks the hack for DVD Player 3.0 (OS 10.1) for many of the unsupported Macs is over on I've tried it out and it works like a charm. Mike
  2. Z

    Pine not working right after 10.1

    First, you can change the /var/root/.forward to be your username (replace the /dev/null with your name, or a full addr), so you get any mails that were sent to root. I get 1 mail per day from the daily update cron job... personally I'd just as soon see these mails, never know what useful debug...
  3. Z

    SCSI CD burning?? ever?

    Not to slam Orange, but their drivers have constantly been due by the end of "next" quarter... funny thing is the "next" keeps changing every time it draws near. Even so, it looks like it may not matter if Apple doesn't incorporate support and Toast isn't writing their own drivers :-( Mike
  4. Z

    SCSI CD burning?? ever?

    Can anyone point me to anything official showing that any SCSI CDRs are supported, or a statement that SCSI is not supported? I have a SCSI CDRW connected via an unsupported Orange-Micro Grapper card... no reason to wait for those drivers if Apple isn't going to support SCSI CDRW (which is...
  5. Z

    HW Drivers

    Those Orange Micro drivers keep slipping quarter to quarter... it used to be end of 2nd quarter... then end of 3rd quarter, and now 10 days after the end of the 3rd quarter they have updated their page to say end of 4th quarter..... Than again, even if they did work, from what I've seen from...
  6. Z

    How to recover from chmod -w on top-level?

    Ah... good to know a good hard command prompt is accessible :-) I was suprised that I could not quite the Installer CD's and fire off a Terminal. Will check that pref setting. Cheers, Mike
  7. Z

    How to recover from chmod -w on top-level?

    Ignorant question perhaps... but I think I am in single user mode already?? ie, I do not type in a login/pass. (which mode is this?) When I booted (after the chmod -gw), it went thru all the startup stuff (Starting this... Starting that....) but then when it would normally start my user...
  8. Z

    SCSI CDRW ever w/OS X, or buy new USB/Firewire?

    I'm staring at my Orange Micro Grappler/SCSI+ and Yahama (some old model) SCSI CDRW and wondering, will I ever be able to use these with OS X? First there are no drivers for the Orange Micro card yet, but they do seem to be working on them... but even if so, I've seen suggestion that SCSI is...
  9. Z

    How to recover from chmod -w on top-level?

    I got very lucky last night, but wanted to get some feedback on other recovery methods... As usual, the 10.1 Installer reset all my top level permissions, making sendmail unhappy. As I've done thru all the previous releases, I went to / and attempted to chmod g-w . but instead (I...
  10. Z

    10.1 broke Postfix! (and lots of other stuff)

    Longshot, but did you check /var/log/mail.log ? FWIW you can get the Dev Tools FREE from Apple Developer Connection website. Just sign up for an acct. I still use sendmail, but I'm on a single user system. But I am running the wu-imap server, fetchmail and procmail without a hitch. Mike
  11. Z

    10.1: localhost goes away... and other VirtualHost issues

    I found I also had to edit rc.boot and change localhost to my desired host name there (I have a dyndns acct). I don't recall having to do that under 10.0.x Mike
  12. Z

    remaining reasons for forcing us back into OS 9?

    - Lack of native printing support Canon BJC-3000 (14 months old) - Lack of DVD support (B/W G3) (14 months old) - Lack of drivers for Orange Micro Grappler SCSI - Probable lack of support for whatever OEM CDRW is hidden inside my external SCSI CDRW case (much older, but worked fine...
  13. Z

    XForwarding in OS X

    I had tried this under 10.0.x and given up. Yes after changing the ssh options for X forwarding, I had the same trouble, and had to ssh in using possibly the -x option (to re-disable X forwarding) and gosh something else I cannot remember... but it was a frustrating endeavor. I can say that...
  14. Z

    H2 get sendmail working

    And note that every time you do an Apple update, it seems to reset those permission files to group writeable (at a minimum), so every update usually requires 10-15 minutes of going back and hacking out the things it breaks... FWIW, while not sending local mail myself, I've had no trouble with...
  15. Z

    IPFW Configuration

    I found I had to add # Allow DHCP traffic ${IPFW} add 00403 allow udp from any to any out ${IPFW} add 00501 allow udp from any 67 to any 68 in via en0 403 may not be the tightest, but I figure its from me out, so....(?) Otherwise I found that after ~6 hours, I'd lose my IP addr and it...
  16. Z

    Separate log file for ipfw?

    Thanks, that did the trick. Better than sifting thru system.log. Mike
  17. Z

    Separate log file for ipfw?

    Under FreeBSD(?) one can send log info from ipfw to a separate file by putting an entry in /etc/syslog.conf I've been unable to make this work under OS X, and seen a suggestion that it does not work. Has anyone been able to do this? Thanks, Mike
  18. Z

    Anyone compile TRN for OS X

    Just to set the record straight, I'm no serious unix compile whiz, just a long-time user that can compile the avg stuff. :-) First things first, do you make those links in /usr/bin or /usr/lib? (your post on macnn said /usr/bin, they need to be in /usr lib) Also, one would think configure...
  19. Z

    emacs with X11

    I've had similar problems with compiles on other apps... here's were things get kooky... and someone more unix/make based will need to advise, but I found that some libs needed me to run ar or ranlib on them? Something about generating, updating essentially(?) their table of contents? Wish I...
  20. Z

    starting imapd
