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  1. Stridder44

    xBox 360 PPC vs PowerMac PPC

    For sh!t$.... Product name: PlayStation 3 Logo: PLAYSTATION(R)3 CPU Cell Processor PowerPC-base Core @3.2GHz 1 VMX vector unit per core 512KB L2 cache 7 x SPE @3.2GHz 7 x 128b 128 SIMD GPRs 7 x 256KB SRAM for SPE * 1 of 8 SPEs reserved for redundancy total floating point...
  2. Stridder44

    xBox 360 PPC vs PowerMac PPC

    Xbox has 512 RAM yes, but the PS3 has 256....running at the same speed as the processor! (FYI thats like 3.2 Ghz)
  3. Stridder44

    Holy Crap!!

    lol ya sorry bout that pabther users... ...but now you know you have no reason not to upgrade :D;)
  4. Stridder44

    Holy Crap!!

    Holy crap, this is fantastic! It is so awesome, I just had to share it with you guys.... press Cmd + Control + D. Now move your mouse over the word: Awesome :D
  5. Stridder44

    10.4.3 and Sims2

    I read it all here, and was curious if anyone else has had any problems (maybe help them too)
  6. Stridder44

    Mac OS X 10.4.3 in Software Update

    After reading this thread, I've decided that 10.4.3 will work just fine. :-p /Doesn't have 30 haxies installed and running at startup
  7. Stridder44

    10.4.3 and Sims2

    I've been reading around and apparently 10.4.3 "breaks" the Sims2. Can anyone verify this?
  8. Stridder44

    10.4.3 and iChat!! More tabbed chatting etc.

    Ditto Also, Fryke, you had suggested in this link that users are recommended to download the combo updater instead of using Software Update? Maybe I read that wrong. Could you clarify?
  9. Stridder44

    Video Card Comparison

    1.25 ghz G4 or G5?
  10. Stridder44

    Leopard to Feature Redesigned Finder

    And System Sounds! Like in OS 9! I miss my system sounds :-(
  11. Stridder44

    Leopard to Feature Redesigned Finder

    For the love of God, PLEASE give us a choice in our UI colors/themes. The same 2 "themes" (and i use the term loosely) are a joke. Give us a choice! For example, being able to choose between Aqua, Brushed, "Plastic", and whatever the new UI is.
  12. Stridder44

    Someone Say new Powerbooks

    Oh how I can't wait for them...
  13. Stridder44

    iSub Problems

    Ever since Ive installed 10.4 Ive had iSub problems. The volume on the USB connected device will be very low, but when I open Sound Prefs in System Preferences, the volume goes back up to normal. However turn down or up the system volume will drop the iSub volume back down again. Any...
  14. Stridder44

    iSub and Garageband

    Yes, after using the iSub for about 3 years Im finding that USB sound devices SUCK! Ive had so many problems with it...
  15. Stridder44

    Leopard screenshots?

    Could be fake. Prolly is. But then again they are supposedly alpha builds..
  16. Stridder44

    Leopards rumours

    Yes. Graphite and Blue or whatnot, VERY LAME. Since were on UI Interfaces, they could step it up alot and allow maybe not only differen UI looks, but COLORS. I would cry if they did that. Different colors, PLEASE! AND BRING BACK MY DAMN SYSTEM SOUNDS!
  17. Stridder44

    Mac Os9 Starts Up But Crashes Repeatedly

    Ive been having trouble starting up classic in 10.4.2 lately. It opens and about half way though just freezes. When I boot up in OS 9 I get a bunch of error messages, but a restart fixes everything.
  18. Stridder44

    New Mac Minis?

    5400 rpm drives make baby Jesus cry
  19. Stridder44

    now .mac with 1 GB, new backup

    I get 2Gb free for simple email...
  20. Stridder44

    The fallout from the iPod nano

    I wouldnt say so because Apple would still use them for larger capacity iPods wouldn't they?