Search results

  1. mseydel

    Illus.CS - bitmap to vector?

    jeez, I almost forgot about Streamline...that worked wonders for me a few times...odd that Adobe hasn't built something along those lines for the CS Suite...
  2. mseydel

    Illus.CS - bitmap to vector?

    hmm. What's the intent here? To embed a raster element in a vector file? Or completely convert a raster photo or image into vector information? The link listed in the above post regarding auto trace will work, but it's pretty time-consuming. Depending on your skill level in Illustrator, you...
  3. mseydel

    Photoshop won't unhide

    For what it's worth, this happens to me a few times a day on my Dual G4 at work running 10.3.6 and PS CS. Usually, it's solved by quitting extraneous apps, clicking to the desktop, then using App Switcher to cycle back to PS so that it becomes the foreground app again. I have 1.5 GB of RAM...
  4. mseydel

    G3 iBook Network Norton woes

    Forget it. I found the NF installer cd, ran the Uninstall; problem solved. Yeesh...I feel pretty dumb. :o
  5. mseydel

    Painter IX review? Anybody?

    ....(echo).... hmm. I guess there's not much interest in this kind of App here.
  6. mseydel

    G3 iBook Network Norton woes

    My G3 iBook (running 10.3.5) up until a few weeks ago worked fine at home on my LAN using an Airport card, or at the office with an Ethernet plug. I was also using Norton's Personal Firewall, version 3.0.1. My port configs had been set up as follows: Internal Modem: off (I never use it)...
  7. mseydel

    Painter IX review? Anybody?

    Just wondering if anybody has bought and is willing to give feedback on Painter IX. The price is a bit steep, but pixel-pushing is a big part of my life...I want to make sure the investment is worthwhile... I've always liked Painter's interface and tools, but the last few versions seem to have...
  8. mseydel

    iPod Store at Apple

    Well, my feeling is that the iPod line will start to solidify after the frenzy of purchasing anticipated during the Holiday Season. Apple will try to cut prices on older, 'greyscale' iPods with smaller HD space after the holidays to thin the herd, and focus on a bit of diversification within...
  9. mseydel

    Video Card Upgrade Suggestions Please

    you're probably not going to like what I have to say, but here it is from a 'solid reasoning' point of view: NWN is a relatively old game on the PC side (I think the Gold version was released in June of '02, not sure about the original), and I don't know whether it's a great idea to spend...
  10. mseydel

    iBook G3 Network short-out

    The strangest thing happened to my iBook the other day: I was at home, on my wifi LAN (shared by two other machines), and my iBook lost its connection. The Airport Icon in the Menu Bar showed full strength, and I hadn't changed my Network prefs, updated software, or even moved my laptop. It...
  11. mseydel

    iPod Color - Yay or Nay

    I hate to say it, but U2 may not be the best choice for the demographic Apple should be going for. I mean, the dyed-in-the-wool U2 fans who have stuck with them through the years are in their late 30s, and have to clear a $350 purchase with their spouse or be on dishwashing duty for weeks. Throw...
  12. mseydel word association!

  13. mseydel

    LaCie Porshe HD

    mine failed after a week or my 'backed up' data is stranded on a drive I can mount only about 1 out of every 5 times. On the bright side, it makes avery attractive paperweight, and a reminder that I should be more cautious when shopping for a drive for work needs...
  14. mseydel

    LaCie Porsche HD Silverlining for OS X?

    I guess I should've pointed out what kind of problems I'm having with the La Cie drive. I've moved 120 GB of data to it to reduce the load on my local work server, and now the data on the La Cie drive is only available when the drive feels like working. The only option I may have is to split...
  15. mseydel

    LaCie Porsche HD Silverlining for OS X?

    I'm having trouble with a 160GB LaCie external drive that I bought a few weeks ago. When I popped the accompanying CD support disc in my Mac, it seems that they only included an OS 9 version of SilverLining. Oof. I just remembered that the only complaint that I've had about LaCie external HDs...
  16. mseydel

    New mini Apple Stores

    I had mixed feelings about the Apple Stores when I lived in NYC. I bought 2 machines at Apple Stores in the NYC Metro Area(SoHo and one in Jersey), and I found that the service at the Genius Bar was uneven overall, but worth the extra tax cost of my Mac purchases. In several situations, though...
  17. mseydel

    iPod Not Recognized

    geez. That's been happening to me too with my iPod mini. What's strange is that my iBook recognizes it just fine, running a slightly older version of OS X. But I've had to reset my iPod Mini countless times, as well as wipe it and reinstall the sofware twice. As much as I love the little guy...
  18. mseydel

    Comparing apples to apples

    until the fine folks at Apple figure out how to make a liquid coolant system work on the G5 laptop, I'd say you're better off buying a G4...which is to say, you'll be playing Doom 7 on your G5 iBook at the Retirement Home... but I think 98%...
  19. mseydel

    Who made the first mouse? ...and there it is ...
  20. mseydel

    PHOTOSHOP 7 "slogging" on G4 - HELP!

    Another thing you can do is partition your hard drive so that you have a volume(without apps or anything crucial) that's mostly empty to designate as your primary Scratch Disk for Photoshop. Some folks even opt to use a second or third internal drive as their designated scratch disk. You can...