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  1. Javintosh

    The Apple Stores are FREAKIN' ME OUT MAN

    You should visit one.... I hear they have great koolaid. :D all kidding aisde, the CompuShaft store here (Rochester) leaves a lot to be desired. The difference between that and the AppleStore is day and night. so much so that I drive 90 miles when I want to buy something in person.
  2. Javintosh

    Motorola PowerPC 7457

    Ars has a great article on the 970 (with more to come):
  3. Javintosh

    Ripping CDs with iTunes in batch

    <FYI> Steve demoed a future version of iTunes that was rendevouz enabled and would let you stream you main Mac's music (over say Airport) to another mac running iTunes. He said this would show up on a "6 months timeframe." My guess is that we'll see som sort of announcement at MWSF...
  4. Javintosh

    Defrag in OS X?

    I've lost 2 (3rd party) hard drives. I had my OS on both of those drives. I can tell you from experience that dragging the system back is a great feature. That said, since the /Library and ~/Library folders contain all 3rd party stuff (except for kernel extensions). I think that things are...
  5. Javintosh

    Defrag in OS X?

    He's referring to copying your System Folder. On OS9 a Mac you can copy your System folder to another hard drive (via drag and drop) and have absolutely everything preserved. I won't think that you can drag your winnt folder to another drive and have everything work flawlessly.
  6. Javintosh

    Default browser settings in 10.2

    never mind... it is 2am, I did nto read jason's post correctly.
  7. Javintosh

    Michael Dell...

    Don't forget that sun also has the now somewhat hidden power button on the keyboard as well! :D
  8. Javintosh

    Michael Dell...

    Eventually the hosts asks him if slapping together standard components is really innovating. He sort of dances around it while claiming that it is innovation.... but what really kills me: 1. When he points to things like switches and other non-PC products to show how Dell is an innovator...
  9. Javintosh

    What is the best OS X Virus protection software?

    I've seen Mac viruses. Actually, I've only even seen 1 Mac virus. It was in 1992. I was running my school's newspaper's production department and one of the macs got infected. That was it.
  10. Javintosh

    video editors need advice

    I though there was a setting somewhere that allowed permissions to be ignored in specific drives.... Is this functionality gone or am I missing something. I clearly remember that in 10.1...
  11. Javintosh

    localtalk printer network

    Someone I knew had an older copier (10K) which onyl had a localtalk interface. He did nto print to it often and balked at the $500 the manufacturer wanted for an ethernet card. I dusted off an old Performca he had under his desk (which had been upgraded to ethernet), instaled this software...
  12. Javintosh

    700MB CDR... but OSX says it's 666MB?!?!

    This also happens on hard drives. My 120GB HD has a capacity of 115GB or 95.8% of the stated capacity. My 60GB hard drive has a capacity of 57.26GB or 95.4% of the stated capacity. Your 700MB CD has a capacity of 666MB or 95.1% of stated capacity. it all seems ot be in the right ballpark.
  13. Javintosh

    Should the windows forum be recreated?

    I voted no. I think the moderator should move all the non-mac posts or better yet delete them.
  14. Javintosh

    Why do people insists on posting irrelevant crap to this forum?

    toast, I worked at a support center and I *had* to answer that question once.... actually, it was more like "what's a window?" :D those were looong days at work.
  15. Javintosh

    Defrag in OS X?

    FYI> The advanced tab in the classic pref pane has a rebuild desktop feature (at least in 10.2). You do not need to boot into OS 9 to rebuild the desktop.
  16. Javintosh

    Why do people insists on posting irrelevant crap to this forum?

    I think I covered everything. If not, select other and let me know what I missed> :D
  17. Javintosh

    Defrag in OS X?

    At least with iMovie it does not make a difference. I routinely import several hours of video into the mac. iMovie will automatically (and seamlessly) breakup the movie into 1.9GB files (a little over 9 minutes). it is kind of annoying to have a lot of little clips, on the other hand it also...
  18. Javintosh

    VueScan is not working out

    Why use VueScan instead of the vendor's drivers: I have an Astra 6400 (Firewire). I used the drivers under OS9 before buying VueScan. One time I had to scan 300 photos. I scanned them and returned the originals. As I was looking through the scans, I saw that a picture had a 1 inch thick band...
  19. Javintosh

    VueScan is not working out

    Two things: 1. have you contacted the guy that writes vuescan? I had a problem and he was very prompt in answering my questions. This guy is a maniac! He updated the software every few days and it is usually in response to some very specific bugs (I read daily). I'm...
  20. Javintosh

    Microsoft launches Switch Campaign! Why XP rules!

    As Emeril would say: "BAM!" MS pulls another fraudulent testimonial! :D:D:D:D:D Microsoft has yanked another of its fraudulent user testimonials, in this case a fictitious twelve-year-old boy raving about a fictional homework assignment and the indespensable insights he received from MS...