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  1. Ricky

    WWDC predictions!

    G5 speed bump.
  2. Ricky

    Quick!!! Free Itunes Song!

    Looks like it's going to be a weekly thing, with two this week because of iTunes's anniversary. Nice.
  3. Ricky

    iTunes 4.5

    The Radio charts are really nice. :)
  4. Ricky

    Walmart gaining on iTunes

    I have a pretty strong feeling that all these services that are springing up are going to edge out Apple if something is not done to prevent it. I hope they crank the volume up a few notches tomorrow.
  5. Ricky

    Ben & Jerry's give free iTunes downloads and free ice cream 27 April!

    Haha, they don't have any stores in Colorado Springs, but they do have 'em in the surrounding cities...
  6. Ricky

    New eMac, new price - $25.45????

    The eMac's current pricing is pretty competitive with anything else out there, IMHO.
  7. Ricky

    MS released Expression 3.3 as Freeware

    I tried it out... The interface is pretty crummy, but I need a vector app, and if I can get one for free, all the better.
  8. Ricky

    Interesting law decision regarding chats...

    Moved to the Café.
  9. Ricky

    iTunes 5 features

    I want it to eat much less CPU time and to finally abolish that hideous gap between tracks issue that has plagued the program for so long. Now that I've said it, I've jinxed it from ever happening. ;)
  10. Ricky

    Geekiness percentage

    22.87968% - Geek. :p
  11. Ricky

    Music companies wants the prices of music downloads up

    Um... How about no.
  12. Ricky

    When are Apple going to fix this window focus bug

    Interleaving all windows instead of only the windows belonging to an application seems to just make more sense to me. ;)
  13. Ricky

    When are Apple going to fix this window focus bug

    I rather enjoy how it works, myself.
  14. Ricky

    G-Mail from Google

    ...You have got to be kidding me. Every email service would be in hot water if that went through.
  15. Ricky

    I just caught onto this...

    Call me slow, but I just noticed that when you roll your cursor over text, it looks to me not like an I-beam, but an apple core. Just my random thought of the day. :) :) :)
  16. Ricky

    Rented Music: Your Thoughts?

    I love being able to listen to a song as much as I want and not having to pay for it every month. I think that's the big selling point for me... I want to own the music I listen to.
  17. Ricky

    G-Mail from Google

  18. Ricky

    This cant be true..can it?

    Not an Apple news or discussion item or rumor. Moving to the Café.
  19. Ricky

    G-Mail from Google

    It's theoretically possible. Computers can compress text to really small sizes, and if Google does this on the fly, they really wouldn't need much space. Plus, only a select few would actually fill up their inboxes.