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  1. sheepguy42

    Amazing Realization!!!! ........

    They did that to create the impression that more people supported Passport (and later .NET) than really did. Seriously, I had my Hotmail account before the purchase (fond memories of the service crashing almost every day for a week as they switched from UNIX to NT servers) and after it, I...
  2. sheepguy42

    It's Here - 10.1.5

    Here's probably the iTunes cause: (or maybe not, I just noticed the "Nvidia ****eforce2 BS" in your sig:p )
  3. sheepguy42

    Quartz Extreme Demo Movie

    That may be new for OS X but not for Macs in general. I believe starting in System 7.? all system CDs had this as a control panel, but not installed by default. I have found it when digging through the old Apple Extras folder on some machines. It is actually helpful, not just for visually...
  4. sheepguy42

    ‘Copy-proof’ CDs not copy proof.

    I use my Cube with its SoundSticks for listening....I have all my CDs (as well as my girlfriend's) ripped to my external HD, in MP3. I can only play CDs on my computer and my DVD player, which I only have because sometimes I just want more than a 17" screen for viewing The Emporer's New Groove...
  5. sheepguy42

    Argh, Admiral, you couldn't just leave the thread wordless, could you? ;) This thread was so perfect, so pristine. The fact that it has no name now no longer reflects the content. :p Oh, well. ~Ryan
  6. sheepguy42

    My take on the new eMac and new Powerbook

    I haven't read the editorial articles yet, as far as proffessional opinions, etc. My gripe is with the name. It makes me think of both Emacs and eMachines...both of which I dislike. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Emacs for what it is, I just dislike command-line stuff, and using the...
  7. sheepguy42

    I'm Missing My / A Mac ... So ... (Emu) ...

    Unfortunately, that did not show up until 8.5-8.6 at least. However, there are third party apps which can provide this functionality. Check out and look under the Macintosh archives link for software that was designed for MacOS's 8.1 and earlier. A lot of neat...
  8. sheepguy42

    The first seemless Mac OS X Theme

    This theme is very nice, but the biggest issue I take with it is the one theme element we see all the time- the menu bar. I really like the aqua menu bar. For some reason, it is the only one I have ever seen that looks 'real,' like I can reach out and tough it. It looks like a piece of...
  9. sheepguy42

    Aqua glitches?

    Hi all! I was just cleaning up things on my Cube, and I just switched back to Aqua from AlumiteX[A] (thanks SimX!). Now back in Aqua-y goodness (Thanks As the Apple Turns!), I turned my attention to the following problem: a piece of platinum that carried over to Aqua: If you're not...
  10. sheepguy42

    maxtor firewire hd..

    I have a Maxtor 40G firewire HD, and it sort of, well, stops. My computer will attempt to access it for no apparent reason, in the middle of an important task that has NOTHING to do with the Maxtor HD, when the red light lights up solid (not flickering like in normal use) and I get that evil...
  11. sheepguy42

    Dead Pixels

    I thought that the maximum Apple allows before they will fix it (i.e. replace the screen) was 10 dead pixels on the whole screen.
  12. sheepguy42

    How many glasses of milk to you drink?

    Try There is evidence (and not just on this anti-milk site) that too much dairy can significantly increase one's risk of prostate or breast cancer (I hope I don't have to explain why not both ;) ) . Now, too much of anything seems to increase the risk of...
  13. sheepguy42

    10.2 and Greek -- Good News--sort of

    I don't know if it's the same pic, but: go to VesionTracker and download a Screen saver called Technichron. It is awesome; it shows a map of the world with a shadow over it where it is night, with all the nighttime cities lit up. it does this by blending two matching pictures, both of which are...
  14. sheepguy42

    Help networking mac and pc!

    Hi. I just thought that since someone else has a thread for getting help networking a Mac w/ a Win9x PC, I would use that instead of starting a new thread. I am trying to do the reverse: I have 10.1.3 on my cube, along with Samba Sharing Package 1.5.0 and just over 5k MP3's. I want my mother...
  15. sheepguy42

    Firewire on keyboard?

    The Cube's speakers came before the Pro Speakers, and are USB powered w/ an external digital amp. That amp (smaller than iPod) sits under the front of my monitor, so using headphone jack on it is easy! Also: I may have converted my PC-using Spanish teacher to Mac (he might get a new Dual G4)...
  16. sheepguy42


    It's technical name is IEEE 1394. Apple owns the name Firewire, and anyone else who uses that name on their product must pay Apple (to license the name). Sony owns another name for it, you may have seen digital cameras that use i.Link? Same thing. Apple was the first to standardize it, meaning...
  17. sheepguy42

    Firewire on keyboard?

    ya think that's hard? Try it on a Cube! All of our ports are underneath the computer, and accessible through a small opening in the back bottom of the clear outer case. I leave 2 FW cables dangling: 1) for my CDRW which is too noisy to leave on all the time, but if I turn it off & leave it...
  18. sheepguy42

    I received this email

    They used to have Apple sandals on that sight! I kept saying that when I had some cash this Spring I would buy them, but they don't have any now!
  19. sheepguy42

    Apple and film

    I really appreciated the part where, after quoting a professional on the cost of running Final Cut Pro vs. whatever the other program was - which he estimated was $10,000 compared to the other system at $85,000 - the author mentioned that FCP is only $999 and that the estimate included...
  20. sheepguy42

    I'm new to OS X: TCP/IP dial-up Script & modem sound control, Please Help

    On my Cube, turning the modem sound option on doest not work. I have never heard the modem sounds in OS X, and that option has been turned on since day 1. Also, symphonix: Hunters said he figured out how to connect with a terminal, he just wants to only have to do that once and record everything...