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  1. D

    PS2 and Apple

    The "merger" comment was in response to another post bD. I'm new to the Apple world (2+ years), but I have heard about Pippen. My desire is less in having Apple involved in gaming as it is having a device that nicely connects my Mac with my a/v equipment. I know that Rendezvous is heading...
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    PS2 and Apple

    A merger wouldn't be necessary, rather an agreement between Sony and Apple. The reason Sony went with Linux in the first place was partially to position itself against Microsoft and the XBOX. The Linux kit is kind of clunky and hard to use (in my opinion), so an easy to use version of OS X...
  3. D

    PS2 and Apple

    My friend heard it a long time ago when the Linux pack was released for the PS2. His sources certainly weren't of any authority, but probably off of message boards like this. I was just throwing the idea out their regardless of the likelihood of such rumors being true.
  4. D

    PS2 and Apple

    This is partially rumor and partially an idea. I was recently at a friends house who had his PS2 running the Linux kit that is available for it. He was also telling me that he had heard Apple had been condisering a similar package that included a "lite" version of OS X that could run on the...
  5. D

    A little help for the clueless....

    I assumed Quark Xpress.
  6. D

    Tell me what announcement will require 2h hours of Steve the Wizzard

    Who doesn't want to see a thin black turtleneck pasted to an aging hippie turned computer nerd? My stomach hurts. I go now.
  7. D

    Tell me what announcement will require 2h hours of Steve the Wizzard

    Aren't iCal and iSync the only iApps that require 10.2? None of them require .mac, but .mac does add ease of use to some of them. Besides, this is in addition OS update charges and .mac fees. No doubt Bill Gates will watch this Macworld with a smile.
  8. D

    Tell me what announcement will require 2h hours of Steve the Wizzard

    At least 30 minutes of it may be spent explaing why they are going to start charging for some iApp updates. I'm sure we'll get the same .mac sob story.
  9. D

    Stupid Move on Apple's part

    If this comes to pass, Apple is continuing to eliminate many of the selling points that I use when recommending the Mac platform to my friends and colleagues. While I'm glad to see that these apps will still come free on new computers, there's no doubt updates that add "must have" features will...
  10. D

    PDA decision: HP iPAQ H1910 or Clie T665C

    Nope, not too late. I'm getting the Clie T665c, it's only about $50 more than the iPAQ it got for Christmas, so I'm exchanging it. I wish I could afford an NX-series Clie, but it's out of my reasonable price range. Besides, this PDA will just be a holdover until Apple release their...
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    Ibook locks up in sleep mode

    This happens when the battery is low. My girlfriend complained of this with her iBook and I soon realized that she would put it to sleep unplugged with a low battery. The exact situation you described occurs. This could very well be your problem. If it happens again try plugging it in, and...
  12. D

    PDA decision: HP iPAQ H1910 or Clie T665C

    While Christmas day was very good to me, it has left me with a tough decision. My uncle got me an iPAQ H1910, but obviously, I'm a Mac user and PocketPC isn't exactly Mac-friendly. I can exchange it for one of two Palm OS options: the Palm m515 or the Sony Clie T665C. I need some advice...
  13. D

    MxPx goes Aqua...

    For any of you fans of the pop/punk band MxPx that haven't checked out their latest Web site redesign, you'll now notice that their download section is now a flash-based Aqua iBook. I hadn't checked out their site in a while, but I thought it was pretty cool. It even has a dock on the left...
  14. D

    Gateway stops copying Apple! And starts stealing!!!

    Yeah, a lot of advertising firms use Macs for development and design and often insert them into ads, but this is a class A f.., eh, screw up. Having worked in advertising before, I know that this will probably get someone fired. Darn funny though. It's like those Intel ads that were made...
  15. D

    iPod - Generation

    One of Steve Jobs' favorite thing to say when discussing the iPod, PDAs, and wireless phones is something to the affect that he doesn't want his TV to be a toaster. In other words, he likes devices that are made to do one thing (and maybe a few little extras) and do it extremely well while...
  16. D

    Formac Studio DV/TV

    I have been considering El Gato's EyeTV hardware to use my iMac as a PVR, but I am not too excited about the encoding and compression "options" that device has. I've started looking at Formac's Studio DV/TV device & software. Although it is is around $200 more, it has better inputs and better...
  17. D

    Apple to add SMS synching between iCal, iSync, Address Book and Nokia phones...?

    I had the chance to talk with a Nokia USA recruiter the other day at a career fair my university was hosting. After I was done brown-nosing for a job, I talked to him in a non-official capacity about the future of wireless and new devices that were out. After talking for a while I mentioned...
  18. D

    WebDAV vs. FTP for iDisk...Is there need for change?

    I haven't given up and signed up for .Mac yet, but I do plan to within 13 days. I'm doing it because I love my iDisk for transferring files between my iMac at home to the computers (mostly Dells) in the labs at my university. I seem to remember the reason that Apple went to the WebDAV...
  19. D

    Food for rumor thought...

    On the Apple v. M$ front (in terms of wireless tech), M$ is forcing it's way into the arena with AT&T Wireless (my current provider, d'oh), and it already has agreement with VoiceStream, Sprint PCS and Verizon to develop technology based on PocketPC 2002 technology. If Apple and SonyEricsson...
  20. D

    Food for rumor thought...

    I get e-mails* everyday that review what is happening in the stock market. It also gives tips on what to buy, sell and hold with brief reasons why. Today's e-mail had this to say: I called a friend of mine who works with Merrill Lynch. He said he had heard rumbling of a couple different...