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  1. hyph-n

    the easy way to program/use the terminal window... how work that language? how to lea

    (now, lets be kind to this newbie) ;) ronin_X I suggest that u join the Apple Developer Connection (ADC) - it's free & you should be able to get all of the Software u need from there...(!) [do u want me to code something for u?]
  2. hyph-n

    the easy way to program/use the terminal window... how work that language? how to lea

    read ulrik's response - you can download them from apple. - In fact you might even be able to buy the CD (although i've haven't checked this) what is it u wanted to do again... maybe i can help (?)
  3. hyph-n

    MAC OS X on Intel platform!!!

    actually, i can't even get to the site [dead link] - doesn't that say enough... ;)
  4. hyph-n

    Not a rumor: OmniWeb 4.1 in September

    cool - Love OmniWeb, can't wait for 4.1.... but I guess I will have to....
  5. hyph-n

    What do you think of my Avatar

    does this mean that u are a creamy java coder?! [corney! - i think i should put a bag on my head - Oh, I already have!] :cool:
  6. hyph-n

    the easy way to program/use the terminal window... how work that language? how to lea

    When you brought MacOS X, you got 2 CDs. One was the OS itself, & the other was a Developer CD. I suggest that you install the Developer CD stuff & take a look at the documentation in it... is there something specific that you want to do? when u say 'code in the osx terminal' do u just...
  7. hyph-n

    pgp disc or other security software

    I know that there is PGPDisk 6.02 for MacOS. I presume this is for 8/9, but have you tried running it under Classic Mode? Also, i know that there is a commercial version of PGPDisk (v 6.5), that is available.... There is also a GNU effort for PGP, take a look @
  8. hyph-n

    running a console app automatically when running PPP

    :) thanks for the top tips.... : i'll think i'll try the dynamic dns thingy this time.... but the tip about myapp.command will be useful when i write [as i'm sure i will!] some more console apps.. -cheers-
  9. hyph-n

    running a console app automatically when running PPP

    i've written a tiny console app (in C) that gets my IP address assigned to me by my ISP, creates an HTML redirect page, then uploads it to my website [which my ISP host]... ...[so that when i'm connected, certain pages are redirected back to my local site on my Mac! - well i think it's cool!]...
  10. hyph-n

    UNIX Family Tree

    cool dude!:cool:
  11. hyph-n

    Ab Fab

    Did n e 1 catch the latest [new] episode of 'Absolutely Fabulous' [UK]..?? There were at least 2 cubes with 22" flat Apple Displays :-) [even saw 'Mother' using one in their Kitchen, surfing for porn I believe! - lol] :D
  12. hyph-n port of StarOffice

    yeah - i agree [having read the small print...] - tut - oh well.... - different question then... does n e 1 know of a NON-Micro$oft spreadsheet & word processor product....?
  13. hyph-n port of StarOffice

    I'm a big fan of StarOffice....& i know that OpenOffice [] are now developing it on a Open Source basis.... i'm currently in the process of downloading the windoze build so that i can use it @ work... but... ... on the openoffice site, they give instructions on how to...
  14. hyph-n

    Browserwar turnaround?

    Netscape 6.1 & Mozilla are not the same... Netscape is full of branding & adverts & other crap Mozilla is pure. yes - they are both based on the same engine, but what happens is that Netscape grab a copy of Mozilla at a certain point... then spend a short amount of time buggering around...
  15. hyph-n

    Longest Uptime??

    just discovered a >really< cool dockling....called VanityDocking (you'll find it on versiontracker somewhere)... n e way, it shows your Uptime in the Dock! - Cool started using it.... only up to 2days 1hr 39mins so far....[only reason for reboot was that my wife wanted something in OS9...
  16. hyph-n

    Microphone in OSX [dialpadX]

    when i got my new 466mhz G4 I knew that it didn't have any kind of analogue in (it has audio out (analogue) & a digital audio out).... ... so i brought an iMic ( it's a USB mic... it has Audio In/Out, & works ok under MacOSX (aswell as...
  17. hyph-n

    ADSL (uk) USB via MacOSX

    hi, finally, BT have got their fingers out of their arse & I now have ADSL access @ home.... but b4 i go feet first, i have a question: Has anyone got ADSL, using the USB cable modem, working with MacOSX? i know that it works with 9...?! any/all comments welcome.... :confused:
  18. hyph-n

    IP addresses & Console apps

    i'm trying to use CVS from the console to connect to a remote machine. It works just fine using MacCVSClient from MacOS9, but whenever i try the console cvs app under MacOSX i get: 'Unknown Host' I'm using an IP address rather than a domain name (because it doesn't have a domain name!) I...
  19. hyph-n

    Burning DATA CDs

    I don't agree - it's all down to whether the CD is written to in sessions/tracks or what... you can write to a CD in a number of sessions (something that OS9 couldn't even do!) - with CD-RW it's even better. If you format them as UDF then you can treat them just like a normal Disk. I've...
  20. hyph-n

    Burning DATA CDs

    I don't have a problem with command line stuff.... but you are missing the point -> I want to be able to insert a Blank CD-R, format it [quickly], copy a load of files to it, eject it, put it into another machine [mac/unix/win], & read the files. I know i can boot into MacOS9, but i just like...