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  1. dantjie

    OmniWeb 4: Forever Shifting

    Does this happen to anyone else? When you tell OmniWeb to open a new browser window it shifts to the right, normal as expected...until you close it and tell OmniWeb to open another one. As you keep doing this the new browser window in moving farther and farther to the right. Shouldn't it reset...
  2. dantjie

    Picking OmniWeb 4 Apart

    To start off, is there anyway to turn off that ugly box that forms when one clicks on a link. You know what I am talking about, right? You click on a link, the ugly box forms around the link, and the page refreshes to whatever you just click. What's with pop-up windows? Is it just me or does...
  3. dantjie

    OmniWeb 4 won't save QuickTime Movies

    It works with IE just fine. I think it hase to be OmniWeb. Is there a way to report this to OmniGroup to let them know? -Dant
  4. dantjie

    OmniWeb 4 won't save QuickTime Movies

    Hey! Have any of you guys out there try to save a QuickTime movie from the pull down menu in OmniWeb? Well, even when I click on the pull down menu there is no menu. Click after click, no menu. Is this a bug with OmniWeb that wasn't catch or what? Is there a solution?
  5. dantjie

    Mac Tech Talk & General Discussion on IRC

    Hey guys! If any of you need your questions answer in real time you can come on to and join channel #macintosh to get help, or to just talk about mac stuff with other guys/gals in real time. -Dant
  6. dantjie

    Mac Tech Talk & General Discussion on IRC

    Hey guys! If any of you need your questions answer in real time you can come on to and join channel #macintosh to get help, or to just talk about mac stuff with other guys/gals in real time. -Dant
  7. dantjie


    "...The reason that ATI is not developing the RagePro drivers is because Apple has decided that they want to do it themselves. There WILL be RagePro support, just not directly from ATI. Regards, Arshad ATI Technologies" This is a quote form a thread titled "ATI Bastards..... " at...
  8. dantjie

    Mac OS X - G3 500 or G4 400?

    Hey guys! I have a Beige G3 333 that I want to upgrade, but I don't know which upgrade is best for me. I am running Mac OS X most of the time, and it's sluggish at times with the original G3 333. What I want to know is which upgrade is better for me for running under Mac OS X, the G3 500 by...
  9. dantjie

    approximation of MS US International keyboard in OS X

    Cool beans! Well, if you are really still wanting to look for that key board, good luck duder.
  10. dantjie

    How to change hostname?

    You can either do this through your regular login, but you have to enable root, and use the command line, or login to root and use Text Edit. If you are logged in as yourself, make sure you have enabled root user from Netinfo Manager Domain > Security > Enable Root User. Then in the Terminal...
  11. dantjie

    approximation of MS US International keyboard in OS X

    Dude, you can just use the option key on the regular mac keyboards to get those thingies. I use them all the time.
  12. dantjie

    Screen Shots

    Actually, I was up pretty late that day. Didn't go to sleep till after 7 am that morning. But I'm on a regular sleeping schedule now. I only did it, because it was the weekend. But thanks ;)
  13. dantjie

    Screen Shots

    I took a high quality Mac OS X screen shot. I also made 3 lower quality versions of it for those who want to preview it first, before downloading the TIFF, which is about 1.6 MB in size. I thought it was fun to open up as many carbon/cocoa apps I got, and see what the system does. This is in...