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  1. B

    Switch campaign... real "actors"...

    I have a 125MHz PowerMac 7600 sitting not 10 feet away from me, and ya know what, it's not a speedy bastard, but it does what it does and it gets it done pretty nicely. I only turn it on from time to time, but when I get on, it works nicely. IE, LimeWire, QuickTime, and a few other apps at the...
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    eMacs with superdrives!

    Yeah that's pretty damn sweet... that would make it the cheapest SuperDrive mac ever wouldn't it?
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    SNES Emulators for OS X?

    Whoops... sorry that I posted it in the wrong spot... totally forgot where I was... :p
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    Switch campaign... real "actors"...

    Hey pezagent, not everything is a conspiracy you know... just because you have an agression with Apple doesn't mean you can just come over and say that everything Apple does is fake, their switchers campaign is fake, everything we've ever been taught is a lie, everything that we know does not...
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    SNES Emulators for OS X?

    Hey, I've been gettin really deep into Zelda: A Link To The Past for SNES recently (I do own it) and I got a Super Nintendo emulator for Windows... I have a question, are there any good SNES emulators for Mac OS X? I'd like to play it on the road or wherever I have my new iBook... And you may...
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    I am getting a sun

    chemistry_geek, i'm lovin the signature! you should be a license agreement writer! :p
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    Switch campaign... real "actors"... Aaron Adams, Windows LAN Administrator Switcher Guy REAL PERSON Plus, he just redid his site, where it used to be an explination that the commercials were real.
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    I have just received iMac 17" with OS X 10.2!!!!!!

    Wait wait wait... it came IN THE BOX?! Hmm... I wonder what I'll get with my iBook when it gets here soon! :D
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    installing 6c115 :D

    post some screenshots when it's done man! :D
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    Browser Link Maximum

    i think it's in the thousands... but not sure... i did hear this question somewhere...
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    What's your Instant Messenging application ?

    AIM (soon by way of iChat) because everyone I know has an AIM name, no matter what ISP they use...
  12. B

    Is it just me or is apple changing it's font?

    Myriad is used because it is more modern than their older Garamond Narrow font... I wish my new iBook came with the Myriad font on it...
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    FREE iPOD!!!!!!

    There was a site I saw a while back... you buy products for a HEAVY fee, such as, you would buy a $300 TV for maybe $8000, and then you would get rebates back to reimburse the initial costs, making the product free. Hmm... I don't feel like spending $8000 on a $300 TV... :D
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    Gateway's iMac look-alike!

    We bought one of those for my grandma (she knew little about computers since she only had used one at work) and believe me, it did suck... :D
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    Will Smith has an iPod

    it'd show that they're strong and durable! :D
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    Apple's newest Switch ad!

    Apple should get the clip from CNN and use it for a real commercial... :D It would be the best one yet!
  17. B

    Best newspaper headlines of 1999

    ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS HILLARIOUS!!
  18. B

    I want a mac and I will trade my PC for one

    Hmm... lets see... Photoshop 7, Adobe PageMaker 6, and IE are almost ALWAYS open on that 450MHz Dell at work... It runs PRETTY DAMN FAST! IMO... Don't judge unless you've seen it in action. Of course, it's not a superspeedy 2.56GHz P4 sum-bitch, but for what it does, it gets its job done...
  19. B makes

    :o :rolleyes: :confused: my emotions throughout that article...