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    Xcode 1.5

    Looks like the server was just very busy. It eventually let me in.
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    Xcode 1.5

    So, Xcode 1.5 is available from Apple now. Is anyone else having trouble downloading it? When I try to connect to the FTP server, it rejects my user name and password.
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    [How To] View Picture Files in Finder as Thumbnails

    In the Finder: View > Show View Options > Show Icon Preview. Adjust the size of the icons to a good size to view the images.
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    C++ And Xcode

    1.) File > New Project... 2.) C++ Tool To build the project, click the Build button. :D If you want to run the project outside of Xcode, you probably need to go to Build > Show Detailed Build Results and choose Deployment from the pull down menu. There's probably other ways to do it...
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    Cocoa: change each character of a string to a different unicode value?

    I'm pretty sure (without looking at the documentation) you have to store the character into an NSString first, then append the NSString to the NSMutableString.
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    Open folders with Cocoa Document-based framework

    Cocoa's document-based project framework automatically sets up Open and Save routines. I'll I'm trying to figure out is how let users choose to open a Folder as well as files in the Open window using what Apple provides. Currently, I have my own Open function that I wrote that lets me do...
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    Cocoa: change each character of a string to a different unicode value?

    I'd probably just do something like this, but I haven't worked too much with unicode characters and I haven't actually tested this out. unichar string[max_size]; [theString getCharacters:string]; /* that puts all the values into an array that you can go through */ /* store string...
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    Open folders with Cocoa Document-based framework

    I've been trying to figure out how to allow a user to open a folder using the Document-based framework in Cocoa. Is there a way to set it using the Document Types list in the target's properties? Or do I need to override one of the methods in the NSDocumentController class? This has had me...
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    Cocoa: change each character of a string to a different unicode value?

    There's a lot of different ways to do that. One way would be to get the C string version of the NSString (if your string is an NSString) and use a while loop to go through each element in the array. Or you could probably create a new NSMutableString and use characterAtIndex: for the original...
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    Doom3 Goes Gold!

    id games are OpenGL. The hardware requirements are already available and aren't too bad considering what the game is. I still plan on running it on my PC, but I'm sure it will be fine on a newer Mac (especially considering that it was first demoed on a Mac with a GeForce 3).
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    Announcing BTFlip (OS X image viewer) Version 2

    Well, I finally got version 2 of BTFlip ready for the public. For those that don't know, BTFlip is an image viewing app for Mac OS X that lets you quickly flip through images in a folder. Version 2 contains numerous new features. Check them all out at: :)
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    Unable to see external USB HD on desktop

    Does the HD use an external power supply or is it powered from the USB bus?
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    Diagonal menu to do it without Flash?

    That layout looks like it would be too complex for current CSS to handle, unless you can somehow position each button image absolutely with CSS, but I'm not experienced enough to know if setting up non-rectangular click areas is possible or not...
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    Can't find QT files in Temp Internet Folder!

    Is the option in Quicktime to "cache files" checked?
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    how to remove "Quit" from app's dock-menu

    How about just not clicking the Quit button in the pop-up menu? :D You may be able to open the package for the program and dig around in the Nib files using Interface Builder. You might be able to find the dock menu and remove the entry... this may cause errors in the program depending on...
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    comcast cable - no access on my mac - help!

    If they limit you to having one MAC connected at a time, get a router that does MAC cloning. You then type in the MAC of your PC (or Mac) and connect both machines to the router. To Comcast it will look like one machine is on all the time. Very easy to do.
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    new displays in stores yet?

    Out of all the LCD screens I have and have closely examined, I have never seen dead pixels like Apple's displays have. I'm not saying that the displays are over priced for what they are, a nice, bright, huge, widescreen display is hard to find in the PC market. But I find it humorous that...
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    Airport express - networking via USB?

    Doesn't the TiVo have an ethernet jack? I thought they could work over broadband.
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    new displays in stores yet?

    Yes, I saw the 23" (I think) in my local Apple store this past weekend. It had 5 black dead pixels that were extremely obvious. I'd be curious if I'd find more if I looked closer. I pointed them out to one of the sales people and he went right into "defensive mode". :D Funny story...
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    Tiger Preview - no new bar?

    Bah, Apple needs a simple way to move files. Drag & drop just doesn't cut it when a simple 1) select all files to move 2) Edit > Cut 3) Edit > Paste where you want it works so much faster and is less prone to dropping somewhere by accident. It's also much faster when you want to move a file to...