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  1. B

    Filemaker Pro 8 Advanced

    Filemaker adv will not install on a machine that has a server addition installed. Check filemaker knowledge base.
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    Quark preview

    full res preview is a quark extension! Close quark on all machines Open your your quark folder go to xtension folder open that from the machines that full res preview works make sure quark is not running and locate the xtension full res preview copy it into the quark folder of the machine that...
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    Apple OS licensing

    Im sure this post is not in the proper forum. And I guess my first mistake was posting anything at all. I did post a question to this board which has gone unanswered. And while visiting tried to help others with problems I have experience with. Things went wrong when a poster asked an innocent...
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    [FAQ]Can I install Tiger on my Mac from another Mac's DVD/CDs?

    I have never posted in an forum before if this is a hugh issue. Let me know And I will not return. Posting this in any other forum would make no sense at all. The reply only makes sense when used within the context of this thread. I have no gripes with apple. Ask them they dont even know who I...
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    What is a 10-clients?

    Good points about open directory. But you will have to configure your xserve for max local and web connections. I have an unlimited license but my understand is 5 web user and 5 local user and youve got 10. However configured as 10 local users and 5 max web users although it sounds hypocritical...
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    Adobe Version Cue

    Yeah, Im not really sure what adobe had in mind on this one. Their are some benefits to the single user and its ok for a design workgroup type enviroment. I kind of like the ability to save multiple versions of a project. But high volume production, or retouch type environments doesnt really...
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    InDesign. Variable info... possible??

    Creos Darwin Desktop will do what your asking its not cheap. Indesign has a built-in data merge functionality. You can setup your client using just about any database that will export tab del, or csv format, of course whoever is running out the final files will need indesign. I wouldnt say its...
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    Working with Illustrator CS files in Illustrator 10

    Sound like you did not create the illustrator file. The File did not originate in illustrator. Probably was exported from another application to eps or pdf and then later was saved as an illustrator.
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    PrintWindow for os10

    I always liked the way os 9 would print window when I need to make a print out to show the contents of a cd/dvd. I made this little script some of you might find it handy. It gives you a printable file that kind of resembles what os 9 used to give using print window. Just open script editor and...
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    Netgear router slowing down internet

    Have you ever logged into your netgear! could be your running NAT and or DHCP on both!
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    DHCP problem on iMac G3

    My mistake I am getting old.
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    Tiger to OS 9 Filesharing Connection Cuts out

    appletalk is not necessary for the osx machine it will connect using tcpip. How are you mounting them from the os9 machine machine are you using the chooser and then selecting appleshare icon. And on the osx machine are you using the go menu and typing the other machines ip address? Also on the...
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    DHCP problem on iMac G3

    169..... address is normal go back to your systems preferences. In the Show box if network status is selected it should tell you in the box below the current status of that network connection. If it says active and connected to the internet try restarting the router or modem. When you configure...
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    ATTO PCI Express UL2D - has the latest drivers for all the cards their are still supporting. I have always used attos cards in the past but I tell you they are providing updated drivers for lots of them. PCI expess SC for example. If it is running in your machine right now then I guess the 3v or 5v...
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    VPN Problem - The Server Did Not Respond

    I hate it when I cant stop. OK I have taken another look at your posts. Each router has their specific instruction but they all are pretty much talking about the same thing. Just a brief list of things to check. 1. Answer ATMP/PPTP Connections need to be on 2. PPTP Authentication should be...
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    VPN Problem - The Server Did Not Respond

    You must have a hugh organization for wanting to be allow so many vpn connection. You do realize that any person within your company that tells a friend a username and password now will have access to your network. I do currently have a PPTP tunnel open in my cisco router pretty much for...
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    VPN Problem - The Server Did Not Respond

    along with 1723 you need to add GRE
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    VPN Problem - The Server Did Not Respond

    along with 1723 you need to add GRE
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    [FAQ]Can I install Tiger on my Mac from another Mac's DVD/CDs?

    And another thing. I use Tiger on most of my machines approx 53. It aint all that and a bag of chips. Yeah it works good in many situations but apple is aware of many problems that consumers should be made aware of that may change their decision about purchasing that product. And since I brought...
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    [FAQ]Can I install Tiger on my Mac from another Mac's DVD/CDs?

    I guess I do have more to say. I have bought many many products at full retail price that I used once or twice and never used again. I have also installed some apps loaned by a friend, ended up buying them and buying upgrades for the following 10 years. Maybe apple should consider changing the...