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  1. C

    Question regarding long-term use of Time Machine

    So, in theory, the bigger the drive, the longer the span of time I'll have good backups?
  2. C

    Question regarding long-term use of Time Machine

    Ok, I found this thread showing how to do it at the file level (I assume this would work at the directory level, too). Is this the only/best way? Thanks again.
  3. C

    Question regarding long-term use of Time Machine

    So my question is this... I'm currently using a 60gb MacBook 1.83 w/leopard. My Time Machine volume is a 250gb USB drive. Over time I could see myself filling the drive because I listen to a lot of podcasts and since time machine is doing a backup rather than a sync, every podcast present...
  4. C

    USB Wireless adapter

    For reasons I would rather not get into, let's say that I had to stop using my built-in wireless card and had to switch to a USB adapter. Let's also say that the driver for the Asus & Hawking adapters (both re-packaged versions of the same crap) are buggy as hell and cause system panics when...
  5. C

    Rename many files at once

    How about some scripty goodness?
  6. C

    I want to switch but...

    Hit Circuit City and pick up a $399 laptop on sale. I did that for my GPS.
  7. C

    XCode questions.

    Ditto on the book order!
  8. C

    Taking the plunge - first real project

    I'm a professional coder on other systems, but a Mac user at home. Switched about 2 years ago and haven't looked back (tho' my MacBook Pro does still have an XP partition for usage with my GPS). Aside from the occasional command line utils or Java app, I haven't really done any real "Mac...
  9. C

    Darwin ports on intel macbook??

    See? That didn't take long. There ya go! :)
  10. C

    Darwin ports on intel macbook??

    Just wait for the right stuff. Remember, this whole move to Intel is akin to replacing the foundation right out from under your house. There's *lots* of stuff out there that has to be refactored, or rebuilt from source. Sometimes developers take that sometimes-necessary platform dependent...
  11. C

    Should I buy now or later

    I bought a MacBook Pro which I had to promptly return. Severe lockups, then disk errors - bad hard drive from the git-go. They replaced it, but told me not to open it because "some news" was forthcoming. I mentioned I *really* wanted to save a little money and wait for the iBook replacements and...
  12. C

    Windows 98 on Intel Mac?

    I disagree. It's a good answer to a good question. If you need a hammer, don't buy a plunger. $.02
  13. C

    Installing Windows XP on MacBook Pro

    I bought Macs for the main reason that I don't like giving up 30% of my CPU to mandatory virus protection software and having to drop YET MORE cash on monthly subscriptions to keep it updated. Yes, Microsoft still fundamentally owns the retail computing market's OS, however I find the user...
  14. C

    syncing iTunes directories - not working quite right on a MacBook Pro

    That's an excellent suggestion, except that it did work on the iBook. That was my hope, that I had to run thru' them to set a marker somewhere other than in /Users/chornbe/ somewhere. So, I let a few of them play, then did a new rsync session with the same results. I may just have to settle...
  15. C

    syncing iTunes directories - not working quite right on a MacBook Pro

    It's set to do it automatically, just as the iBook was. I'm very anal about keeping the directories clean (and I sound like an idiot saying "know" rather than "no" in the post above), so I only have it set to keep episodes that have not been listened to and such. I've been over all the...
  16. C

    syncing iTunes directories - not working quite right on a MacBook Pro

    So, when I had my iBook, I would sync from my iMac (PPC) to my iBook and my iBook would reflect my current iMac library. I usually did this via RSYNC, with a command like: (from the iBook after mounting my home directory on my iMac) rsync -avp --delete /Volumes/chornbe/Music/ ./Music and...
  17. C

    Trouble with mount/mount_nfs?

    Over the last two weeks or so... I believe this coincides with recent updates... I can no longer mount my SimpleShare network attached device. Does anyone know if the recent OS updates have broken mount or mount_nfs ? My command would normally look like: /sbin/mount_nfs -P...
  18. C

    You crazy Mac cult members!!

    Just wanted to let you all know I've completely bought in. I'm completely and wholly PC-free and since last year, I've gotten rid of two servers, two desktops and one laptop, and replaced it all with two iMacs, one iBook and a network attached storage device. You sly bastards, luring me in...
  19. C

    Restricting/limiting logons

    I have a question regarding logins. Are there any account management addons that will let me limit the duration of the logons, and set valid logon times for my kids' accounts? Someone pointed me to a Unix utility to do it, but it relies on Unix domains; not really applicable for a single...
  20. C

    can eclipse be used for .net develop??

    VS.NET doesn't need XP. It works fine on 2000 as well. You can program just fine on Apple using Mono, but you don't have easy/ready access to a nice GUI. I write code in TextWrangler and compile at the command line or using make files. It's easy. It works well, and so far, *VERY* few things...