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    Illustrator 10 & Multi page PDF creation

    20 page Ill document? I'm using Ill 10, that must be a CS feature, yes? Illustrator can nativly save as a PDF, and you can edit that PDF as if it was a Ill file. So if they all are PDFs, then you can do that without printing to a PDF. Just do a save as... PDF. Sure it's not instant, but you...
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    Western Digital Harddrive

    Both of my Maxtors are quiet, the other is the original WD, and that damn noisy thing is for backups only so it is normally idle till i toss files to it.
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    Illustrator 10 & Multi page PDF creation

    You can create a multipage pdf with Preview. Select individual pdfs, then drag them to Preview. he order selected determines the order. Simply save as a PDF, there ya go. I use Acrobat myself, more options.
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    Sony CDRW Problem

    I never had to change my memory for toast, always burned fine dispite that... although, i can only use 5.1.3 in Classic without any weird problems from both older and newer versions. In X I use 6.0.3
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    Site check please

    hey it's a beta, lol. But it works there for the interface.
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    Quicktime movie won't play on WinXP

    exactly what version of quicktime do you have? Also, what audio codec did you use.
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    Site check please

    lol, yea the donations sound a bit odd, I'd take that out, or you will be doing work for nothing and hopefully recieving a donation for your work. For a design site the color are fine, although a little flat, BUT... what makes you different, how do you and your services stand out? You really...
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    Quicktime movie won't play on WinXP

    The DV format should work, i made a presentation for a client that used that codec on XP. And generally QuickTime will tell you to update if it sees you used a different codec that isn't installed. Need the specifics of that codec, because there was a bad DV NON-Apple codec that came with some...
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    Flash troubles

    Is this a swf file or a mov file? If a mov file, you may have created a flash track within it, so basically, the swf is within the mov, and that limits the playback capabilities dependent on the version of Quicktime you are using. Now this is why i said you should start testing in that other...
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    Entourage and Hotmail....

    no problems for me, I have Entourage 10.1.1 I just checked my Hotmail to see, i have it set to check for mail every Saturday, since it's just a back-up account and I don't even use it.
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    Holy Christ, there's a 747 in the room!

    I experienced that before at this company i worked for, we thought it was going to blow, the other G5 with the same specs, apps... never had the problem though.
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    Transfer Files to VHS

    Well unless you have a way to capture from a VHS, then you won't have a way to reverse that and print to tape, unless you hook up a dvd player and VCR, something i never tried either. You better start on a few tests to see if playback is just like the orignal when you export it as a...
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    Entourage - Send & Receive button not working...

    Could be currupt files in yor Microsoft User Daya folder. Although Entourage would just crash on me or pop an error and refuse to open. I too never had this problem, but you can uncheck, send and recieve all, it will still work if you click that button. Now if the email accounts are not...
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    Need a new host - testimonials, anyone ?

    What lunar offers is just crazy, I might switch, but I've been satisfied with hostway, but my current plan oesn't include php and mySQL, reason enough to switch.
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    Need a new host - testimonials, anyone ?

    I use, been with them since 1999
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    iPod Mini First Impressions

    Is it just me, or is that a big box for such a small thing?
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    Finally found a good freeware backup solution...

    Wasn't that, I had it work, it's was a cool app don't get me wrong, but it was something else...
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    Finally found a good freeware backup solution...

    I remember when it first came out, there was some reason why i stopped using it, can't recall why at this time though.
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    Disk Image

    How do i increase the size of a disc image? I know i did this before, can't figure it out on Panther though.
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    Napster's fading... fast

    yep, exactly. I'm saying it will happen, likely with a mobile partner. A Apple signature phone. Now that, I would buy.