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  1. R

    Source for Office X apps/demos?

    What?? Confirm for me: You can download Entourage X from Hotline etc?? Is this a proper, full version (like downloading Outlook Express etc from Mactopia?)? Cool! :cool: Please can someone let me know the web addresses where I could get hold of it? Pleeeeaaassee? I sooooo need Entourage...
  2. R

    New Epson Printer Utility

    I've also just installed the 870 drivers etc. Everything works fine (the print utility works OK, I've selected the printer and everything). However, everytime I try to print from AppleWorks etc, in the pritn queue thing, I just keep getting an error, and it won't print? What could be wrong...
  3. R

    Entourage X

    Where oh where can I get hold of a stand-alone copy of Entourage X?????? I don't need the other Office apps (although if Microsoft did a v.X version of the Word/Entourage SE pack, I'd probably get that). I soo need Entourage (especially seeing as Microsoft doesn't seem to want to Carbonise...
  4. R

    OS X.1 update CD

    On Saturday I'm going up to London with a friend to help him find an X.1/9.2.1 update kit in one of the London Applecentres etc. What do you think our chances are of finding what we want? :confused:
  5. R

    Entourage X / Outlook Express

    I've used Mail since I got OS X, but am now sick of just how aweful it is, that I've switched to the Beta of Eudora, which isn't ideal... I soooo need Outlook Express.. or Entourage X (if they do the bundle with Word + Entourage again, I may consider shelling out for it, cos I don't need...
  6. R

    Entourage X / Outlook Express

    Is there any way at all of getting hold of Entourage X as a seperate thing to Office/Word etc etc? :confused: I can't possibly afford Office v.X etc at the moment, but am so totally used to Microsoft's e-mail app style etc, and feel comfortable with it..... Failing that, does anyone have any...
  7. R


    Cool :) Thanks. I'll try and hide the battery dockling from X.1 installer etc, but I'll come a callin' if somehow I lose it ;) :)
  8. R


    I've finally got my X.1 upgrade! (hooray!). I like the battery dockling from X.0.4, but will it still work under X.1 (with those menu-bar things)? The things up in the menu-bar are cool (especially the internet connect one), but I like having the battery dockling in the dock. If I save it...
  9. R

    Photoshop 7b1 beta is here!

    Cooooooool!!!!!! FINALLY Photoshop is on it's way!! Screenshotes? I soooo need Photoshop in X. :D
  10. R


    Starcraft is indeed an ace game. The Brood War expansion set for it makes it even better! Unfortunately, Starcraft isn't carbonised, so won't run in X, but in Classic :( Come on Blizzard!! We want an X version of Starcraft!! :)
  11. R

    Aqua Theme for Classic?

    I mean themes for the Appearance control panel of OS 9, not Kal schemes. I don't wanna install anything into Classic to be able to use an Aqua theme, just wanna stick one in the Appearance control panel, like Mac OS Platinum etc ;)
  12. R

    Aqua Theme for Classic?

    Ok, if no one HAS that theme, does anyone know where I could get a copy? I seen to remember one called Liquid which was V good and looked exactly like Aqua. I had it on my iMac a while back, but don't have it now :(
  13. R

    Aqua Theme for Classic?

    I was just wondering, do themes still work in the appearance control panel in Classic when running under X.1? If so, does anyone have the Aqua theme for OS 9? I'd like to have Classic looking the same as X ;) hehe
  14. R

    Microsoft Intellipoint

    When will OS X.1 compatible drivers for the Microsoft Intellipoint Optical mouse be available? If only Classic ones are available, does that mean the mouse won't work in OS X, just Classic?
  15. R

    Iomega Zip Drivers

    I should be getting a new iBook within the week with X.1 and just wondered if the drivers for Iomega Zip drives are X native yet? I mean, it's no huge problem using Classic, but would rather I didn't have to bother with that.
  16. R

    WYSIWIG Webpage Editors

    Yeah, I'd heard that GoLive was being made available for X. I do love that program. I way get it (depending on how much Adobe decides to charge). Ooh, talking about Adobe products, has anyone got any idea when Photoshop is going to be carbonised? I have 6, but would definately upgrade, as...
  17. R

    WYSIWIG Webpage Editors

    Does anyone know of any WYSIWYG webpage editors (along the lines of Claris HomePage) for OS X? Freeware, shareware or commercial?