Search results

  1. H

    Stuffit Expander V7.01

    I just discovered and down loaded Stuffit Expander 7.01. There was a problem with the orignal V 7.0 under Jaguar 10.2 that I was not aware of. I never had a problem with it. Can anybody tell me what it was?
  2. H

    A simple question

    A real basic question; I downloaded and installed Mac Janitor to take care of some house keeping problems I was having on a bunch of log files. I see this is suppose to run automatically every nite between 3AM and 5AM. Does it matter if the machine G$/AGP/450 is in a deep sleep? I suppose...
  3. H

    iTune Question

    Last week I did an archival install of Jaguar 10.2 with the 10.2.1 update. I noticed that after I did the manual scan of my disk for MP3s that it found all the original enteries in the library (Multiple in alot of cases) however it did not bring over my established playlists. Is this normal...
  4. H

    Uninstallling Jaguar

    If you did an archival install, a folder with a copy of the old system should reside in you present system folder. Use Carbon Copy Cloner and transfer it to a spare disk or tape, bless it and move it back to your original disk.
  5. H

    Will OS X run on this computer?

    The trick to get OSX to run ok on an oldr machine is to make sure you have sufficent amount of ram memory installed. I would say, that 384MB would be the minimum amount needed for satisfactory operation. The more the better. My G4 boots into over 300MB before I open any applications ( as...
  6. H


    I read this morning that subscritions rate is up to 180,000 as of yesterday. Also, Apple has announced an special educational rates of $59 with reduced email storage and on line disk storage. I am not a Apple cheerleader, however, I signed up at the introductary rate to support the cause...
  7. H

    OS X stability

    Interesting replies. The only time I reboot is when the applications I am running in the background eat up all the 1GB of available ram because of memory leaks. Acqusition seems to be the worse offender. It will easily consume 400MB over the course of a week. Once the upper limit of memory...
  8. H

    Jaguar is $50 off at Amazon!

    Because of unexpect demand for this item, pulled the rebate. They made the statement that they will honor rebates on all order received before the deadline. " He who hesitates is lost!". I got mine in last Monday, as soon as I read about the deal. It will be interesting to see...
  9. H

    Virus protection? Come On!

    I'll second Gibbs observations and questions about V7.1Virex. I hope that for the money for .Mac that Apple's software engineers have designed a better front end interface for it. I have it installed in my home machine and preferr it to Norton as I don't trust Nortorn under OS 10.x as of yet...
  10. H

    Trouble with opening ".sit" files

    Have you tried dragging and dropping the .sit file on top of the Stuffit Expander Icon? I have had a similiar problem where double clicking on the file did not work, but dropping it on the icon would force a decompress. If you are running OSX you can do this right in the dock.
  11. H

    1 Firewire Drive 2 DIFFERENT Computers?

    I have hooked up the FW ports on my Sony Spress CRX 1600XL external CDRW drive to both my G4 tower and my no name PC tower with a PCI FW card. I have found that once one of the computers gains control of the IEEE 1394 logic, it generally keeps it until you physically unplug it. There seems to...
  12. H

    Dial up help - basic question

    Go to your toolbar,cllck on Explorer, select Preferences. Click on Web Browser under that select Web Display. Once Web Display opens, you will see a data field for default homepage. Type in there your new URL address. This will come up every time the modem connects to your ISP.
  13. H

    G4 Doesn't always boot up

    Do you have the system disk jumpered to spin at power up? If improperly jumpered, they will spin up only upon access, this will cause an unnecessary delay. Could also be a lazy power supply. This would require carefull watching
  14. H

    Firewall: 400 hits one day 0 the next?

    I noticed last nite that the majority of the hits and rejections are from the Kaaza search engine. PC'rs looking for MP3 down loads. I am running the default filters using Brickhouse. 152 hits in little over an hour. With the shut down of AudioGalaxy and more people turning to the Gnutella...
  15. H

    AppleScript update 1.8.3 Today

    Naaaaa, this isn't 10.1.6 but a update to a bunch of canned AppleScript. Before you run off and install it, read some of the comments on VersionTracker. The installer has crashed alot of the machines. A buggy piece of software, not up to Apple's high standards. It made my System image...
  16. H

    Bored? try your software update for fun.

    If your are bored installed the AppleScript 1.8.3 update via the Software update. I tried this yesterday and it blew the boot block off the WD 120GB-SE I mentioned in the post above. Several other people have had problems with this upgrade/install crashing and causing havoc to their system...
  17. H

    Firewall: 400 hits one day 0 the next?

    I emailed Brian about the same problem and he graciously answered me back. Apparently he specs the counter conservatively at 500 hits. The log monitor quits after that. With the upcoming release he is going to set it at a higher number; like 50,000!!!:)
  18. H

    Bored? try your software update for fun.

    I install this update last nite and was pleasantly pleased that it corrected a boot problem with my WD120GB-SE/ATA66 system disk. Before the update it boot into the OpenFirmware of a Kernal Panic if I used the Restart Option under the Apple symbol. The work around was to power down and reboot...
  19. H

    What keeps you from using OS X exclusively

    Nothing is keeping me from using OSX excusively. I have a old upgraded PPC 7600 that was my first Mac. I froze the OS at V9.1 and still like to use it to surf the web because of the ram disk. But I find myself using my G4/450/AGP more and more. I like a challenge and I am starting to feel...
  20. H

    10.1.4 Buggy? Go back to 10.1.3?

    Sorry to hear of your problems with 10.1.4. For me it was a blessing as it fixed the" spinning wheel of death" problem with the Internet Connect Utility. Your question was posed on another forum the other day. And the answer is that you are going to have to do a clean install of V 10.1.1...