Search results

  1. martinatkinson

    FS: Palm Sync Cables...

    Hi Jason, looks like the Y-Sync cable would do what you want, but I am not sure if it is compatible with your Palm. To get more stats on it you can visit the Belkin web site at...
  2. martinatkinson

    Problems with meta tags...

    Hi, Here is a directory of good marketing resources: FREE Marketing Resources Hope this helps! Albert
  3. martinatkinson

    Problems with meta tags...

    Hi, I have submitted my site to the search engines and have gotten it listed in a few. However, when I look at my listing in the search engine it does not respond to the meta tags I have in my page. For example, take a look at and do a search for ""...
  4. martinatkinson


    After I press the power button it chimes and the little green light turns on. Then, after about <10 seconds it shuts itself off. However, if I leave it on overnight it may stay on long enough to load the extensions but shuts off if I try to do anything such as copy files. I do not know...
  5. martinatkinson


    I still can not seem to find the three pair device selection pins. I pulled out the red things and the 8500 still hangs on the grey screen. I have attached a pict of the drive with the sleeve pulled off. Any suggestions? :( Thanks! Albert
  6. martinatkinson


    Yeah, I got a jumper (i think) I just need to know where to put it on the jumper pins: a b c d e . . . . . . . . . . Which pin (a-e) do I need to put the jumper on? Thanks! Albert
  7. martinatkinson


    Darn, that picture turned out like, I have attached a better one. Sorry :rolleyes: Albert
  8. martinatkinson


    Hi, Thanks for the response. I took the drive out of the IIcx and took a look at the jumpers. It looks like there are 5 rows instead of just three. Could you let me know which to put it on? I have attached a picture for you with the jumper pins circled in green. I have two SCSI...
  9. martinatkinson


    Hi, I have an old IIcx that I left some important information on, so I am trying to get stuff off that hard drive and onto my new computer. Problem is that whenever I start the dinosour up, it shuts down suddenly after a few minutes. I think this may be a bad power supply??? Anyway, is...
  10. martinatkinson

    Random iTunes..

    Hi, Did they add this feature to the latest release of iTunes? Because I remember trying it earlier and it did not work like that. Maybe it was on a different version but I just tried it and it worked. Thanks alot!!! Albert
  11. martinatkinson

    Random iTunes..

    Hi, OK, I looked all over the place and can not find what seems like a simple peice of software. I have a good collection of audio CDs and have made a playlist of all of them. I don't like iTunes built in shuffle button because it still creates a playlist that will be repeated in the...
  12. martinatkinson

    FS: Palm Sync Cables...

    Hi, I am selling some brand new sync cables for the Palm. These are new in their original packaging and have not been opened. All come with a lifetime warranty: Belkin USB/Serial Y-Sync Cable (model F8P3101) asking $10 ($19.95 retail) [picture] Belkin Serial Sync Cable (model...
  13. martinatkinson

    PHP and sessions?

    Hey all, I am having some trouble with a site I am putting together with PHP. I am trying to make a shopping cart system using sessions. If you go to the following URL: It should add an item to your basket, a radio...
  14. martinatkinson

    Airport Extreme and regular Airport?

    Hi, I am wanting to get an Airport connection set up in my house. I have an iBook G3 and a PowerMac G4 (quicksilver) and am planning on a 17" PowerBook. I am wanting to do this with AirPort Extreme, however the iBook and PowerMac are both only compatible with regular Airport as far as I...
  15. martinatkinson

    Canceling a CSS for certain objects?

    Hey, it works :) Thanks a lot for your help! Albert
  16. martinatkinson

    Show your site!

    Hi, Well, guess its time to throw my needle into the haystack :) <-- still a little under construction Enjoy ;) Albert
  17. martinatkinson

    seeking a web host

    Hi, What kind of space are you needing? I run a hosting service and offer pretty low prices. If you can give me a little more information on what kind of features you want I can see if I can help. I also offer domain name registration if you need that as well. Have a great day! Albert
  18. martinatkinson

    Canceling a CSS for certain objects?

    Hi, I am developing my site and have a question about CSS stylesheets. I have it set up to set the styles for all <input> tags. However, I want to override that style for one of the buttons on my page. Any suggestions? Go to You will see in the upper...
  19. martinatkinson

    Cgi -> Php

    Greetings! I currently have a CGI script that I wrote for my site, I would like to port it to PHP since that is faster then CGI and I am not forced to put the script in my cgi-bin folder. Here is the script: #!/usr/bin/perl print "Content-type: text/html\n"; print "\n"; @values =...
  20. martinatkinson

    How does THIS look?...

    Thanks for your grammer suggestions, EonBleu, that will really help :) Also, iFunk, I made the site with 32bit PNGs for that very reason, the software I develop is currently Mac only, so PC users shouldn't be looking at it :D Thank you all for your wonderful suggestions ;)...