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  1. Keldud7

    Leopard is scaring

    ok, just freed up more space and now I have 20 GB free. Still having problems. imovie won't even open. :o(
  2. Keldud7

    Leopard is scaring

    I have 10.1 GB of empty space. Not good then huh? My fiance told me my laptop uses a paging file or something but I should turn it off since I have more RAM now. How do I do that (and do u know what he's talking about)? Thanks.
  3. Keldud7

    Leopard is scaring

    Hi. I recently got Leopard. I also recently got a RAM upgrade and will soon be getting a hard drive upgrade. Right now, I have 1.25 RAM and 80GB hard drive, with most of it used up. I'm not sure if it's Leopard, or my new RAM or what, but since all this I have had problems that I never had...
  4. Keldud7

    iChat & Photobooth in Leopard on a G4

    Hello, my good macosx forums people. I just got Leopard. As u can see from my specs, I have a 12" powerbook G4. But I now have 1.25 GB ram and will be upgrading my hard drive very soon. However, this is the problem...when I use iChat or Photo Booth with my non-Apple webcam, I do not have any of...
  5. Keldud7

    iChat won't work, won't let me update!

    Hi there. I am trying to use the video chat on iChat and it's not working. It used to, so I tried downloading the update on apple's site. I have a PowerPC powerbook so I downloaded that update, but it won't let me install it on my HD. Why? Anyone else have this problem? Please help. Thanks.
  6. Keldud7 to?

    hi there. thanks for the reply. i tried doing what u said, but the only "+" i see is the one to the left and when I click on that, it creates a new folder. ?
  7. Keldud7 to?

    Hi there. I'm just now discovering the Automator. Looks handy. Yet, when I want to tell it to start playing a playlist in iTunes, how do I choose which playlist it plays? I tried running the task but it didn't do anything. Anyone know how do work this thing? Thanks. :)
  8. Keldud7

    NES and controller driving me nuts!

    Well here goes: I downloaded NES (1.3.4) and the emulator enhancer (2.1), AND USB overdrive X. My USB game controller (GGE809-Game Elements-Phillips). My game controller still doesn't work. The lights come on the controller, but obvioulsy the computer doesn't recognize it. HELP PLEASE! I bought...
  9. Keldud7

    OH NO!! My pictures are gone :(

    Hi there, have already tried that. Thanks tho. Guess I will just start over.
  10. Keldud7

    OH NO!! My pictures are gone :(

    What should I do???? :o/
  11. Keldud7


  12. Keldud7

    OH NO!! My pictures are gone :(

    So should I get rid of the blank files in iPhoto (all my picture files are in the library somewhere, but there's no data of them, so they are black)? And just start over with adding new pics? Here is a pic of what my library looks like. /Users/kelleydudley/Desktop/Picture 1.png
  13. Keldud7

    OH NO!! My pictures are gone :(

    ok...I was messing around with iPhoto (I'll never do it again, I promise!). Yesterday I finally was able to get all my pictures into iPhoto. hooray. TODAY, I get on there and start deleting ones I don't want, which still leaves me with about 450 pics. I went into the folders thru Finder and saw...
  14. Keldud7


    Hey there, I am considering getting iLife 06. Is it worth it? I am just wondering how different it is from having all of those applications without iLife. Thanks for reading this...
  15. Keldud7


    they're just jpg files, thanks tho, macworks' idea fixed it. I just rebuilt iPhoto and all is well. :)
  16. Keldud7


    thanks, I'm tryin that now, looks hopeful. :)
  17. Keldud7


    Hey there. Nope, I have full signal. And I'm just a wall away from the source. ?
  18. Keldud7


    Howdy. Well, my iChat keeps logging me off (every 5-10 min or so), ever since I started using a new wireless internet. I used a different one over the summer and didnt' have a problem. Is it just the wireless signal or provider? Everything else works fine. Is that unfixable? haha. It's just...
  19. Keldud7


    Hi there. I got a new digital camera. It uploads pic fine. But iPhoto only keeps those pics that it uploads in the library. It won't let me put other photos that I have into the library (not the folder...the library on the iPhoto application). I'm trying to put pics from the folder into the...