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  1. Keldud7

    Powerbook working too hard???

    Hi there. I have noticed that recently my computer's fan has been running more often and harder. I haven't downloaded any large software programs or anything and I have 27.2 GB of memory available. The only thing I have done differently is that I have been running wireless internet this summer...
  2. Keldud7

    any bigger DVD-R's out there besides 4.7 GB??

    Hi there. I am trying to burn a DVD, but the DVD doesn't have enough space. I need more than 2 hours/4.7 GB. Does such a DVD-R exist? Or do I have to split it up into 2 discs? Thanks for any help...:)
  3. Keldud7

    Using a controller for NES program!! Won't recognize it!

    I don't know if anyone can help but here's hopin! I downloaded the NES program...which lets u play nintendo games on your mac. Very kewl. I bought a controller (USB). And I can't figure out how to get it to work. It doesn't recognize it. I downloaded the emulator enhancer and placed it in the...
  4. Keldud7

    I feel stupid asking this question, simple answer?

    Hi there. I'm running OS X 10.4.6 on a powerbook G4. Ya know how when you shut down and restart, your hard drive icon automatically goes to the top right of your desktop? And the other icons you can move around and they will stay put(even when u restart), except for the program ones...anyway...
  5. Keldud7

    iChat buddy icon not working

    Well...I've asked a few people and they say they just see the still image. Any other suggestions?
  6. Keldud7

    iChat buddy icon not working

    Hi there. Just a frustrating small problem...the buddy icon I wish to use has a few different images on it (switching from one to the next), and it will even show me each one when I view the icon in Preview, however, it only stays on the first image when it's on iChat. How come? Can this be...
  7. Keldud7

    is there a program for copying my own dvd? And how to switch between apps?

    Hi there. I have a powerbook G4 running 10.4.6 (prolly irrelevant). And I was wondering if there is a program that I can get that will allow me to copy a movie I created so I can put it on another DVD (I deleted the imovie/idvd file already), but want to copy the movie and at least have it back...
  8. Keldud7

    How to hide typing on iChat???

    thanks everyone!
  9. Keldud7

    hi...question about ichat

    Hi there...I was wondering if there's a setting that you can change to allow or not allow your buddies to see you typing while you're chatting with them. I know I've seen a setting like this, just can't find it. Thanks!
  10. Keldud7

    How to hide typing on iChat???

    Hi there. I know I've seen an option for this before, but I cannot find it anywhere. How do you change the setting for showing or hiding when your buddies can see you typing while you're chatting with them?? Not that it's a major thing, but I wanted to change it and I can't. Thanks for any help...
  11. Keldud7

    ? Downloading wavs from web sites...?

    Thank you diablo!! Got it!
  12. Keldud7

    ? Downloading wavs from web sites...?

    True, but I do not have one of those. I've got a Powerbook G4 btw.
  13. Keldud7

    ? Downloading wavs from web sites...?

    Hi there. I found all these gr8 sounds online for movies I make on iMovie and the only way I've found to use them is to record them using iMovie, but there has to be a way I can just download the wav file. Since I can't right click, I click and hold and drag and it wants to move the site...
  14. Keldud7

    iPhoto?? Weird stuff...

    Hi there. I have a PowerBook G4 and iPhoto is gettin on my nerves...prolly cuz I don't understand it very well. When I save new pictures, or import new pictures from my camera, first of all, a new folder(sometimes 2) shows up in my Library and that is where there picture ends up. Why? Usually...
  15. Keldud7

    iPod: What's WRONG?

    Thanks! The reset trick worked. And the comp recognized it. It had a low battery when it reset, maybe it was too low to turn on? I dunno. Anywho, thanks again.
  16. Keldud7

    iPod: What's WRONG?

    Hi there. I have the 4GB iPod mini. It won't even turn on now. It has worked fine up until today. I plug it into the car charger, and I get nothin. I plug it into my computer and get nothin. ??? I've only had it for a month or so.
  17. Keldud7


    thanks everybody!
  18. Keldud7


    Hi there. I just got a Powerbook G4, running 10.4.3. What is Dashboard and why would I, a student, need it?? Thanks!! :o) :confused:
  19. Keldud7

    Trying to Download Windows Media Player! Not working...:o(

    well it worked, I didn't use his link, I had already downloaded it, but it wouldn't open. So, now it is opened and working. Thanks for all the help! Have a gr8 weekend!