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  1. I

    OS X will not automatically go into sleep...only manually

    I noticed this problem and yesterday I happened to notice that it seemed to only happen when iTunes was open. I shut down iTunes and walked away...came back an the system was in sleep mode. So it looks like iTunes is the culprit
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    tv tuner?

    I did get an email from eskape when I inquired about OS X support for their tuner...they said sometime around the end of November was the target date for a OS X tuner.
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    winXP tshirt

    LOL.....gotta love those free shirts!
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    winXP tshirt

    sorta ironic....I convert to Apple, then Mirco$oft starts giving me stuff....... I'm tip#2
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    iTunes internet radio list not loading

    Got that crap right!
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    iTunes internet radio list not loading

    Doh! Found the problem.....i use a 2kbox as a router for my DSL. ICS was flaking on me......
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    iTunes internet radio list not loading

    I just reinstalled OS X, can't get the radio guide to load.....anybody else having this problem? I also can't get the music video network to feed in Quicktime.....don't know if this is related or not....I can get other stuff to feed.
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    iPod = Lame

    I'd have to agree with the comments regarding the similarity to a cube. However- I'd have to say that the elegance of this device makes other options pale in comparison Elegance? the Cube was touted as being elegant.....where is it now?....dead. All because they were greedy and overpriced it.
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    Printing in black only!

    I just plugged my Epson 777i up to my iMac w/OSX v10.1 While it installed perfectly and does print, it only prints in black and white....any ideas?
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    Post your OS X.1 Desktop Pics!!!!

    Here is what i've done so far....
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    Do you use DVD?

    Yup, I watch them...usually in a smaller window while i'm surfing. More than that I usually watch TV via a usb tuner, but that will have to wait till eskape releases OS X drivers for their TV tuner. In short....I DO watch DVD on my iMac(granted if it's a really good movie it goes straight to...
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    Very Sad News

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you, your friends and this family
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    Stupid question about where to put stuff

    I know this may sound dumb....But i'm a neat freak and I don't want my Applications folder all littered with programs in other folders. I want it all one click icons for easy use. Any suggestions or ways you guys have dealt with this? In short, i'm looking for the best place to install things...
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    Window resizing

    Is anyone else bothered by the fact that the window resizing is still slow? Wonder why Apple didn't offer a "Don't show contents while resizing" option? This would make things greatly faster, and barring IE lag OS X would be just about perfect(from a speed standpoint).
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    Blinking Question Mark @ startup

    I noticed this 2 times the other day during reboots.....Luckily it booted though. When I would reboot there would be a quick folder/question mark flash(even though I had changed nothing), then it would disappear and I get the happy Mac and everything boots fine. There has to be some slight...
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    IE 5.1.2 Slow and Unresponsive?

    Yah, IE file menu is sorta laggy for me too.....I think it's just the IE sucking a**. One thing I wish apple would do is make the contents of IE windows(and others for that matter) disappear when you resize them...that would help performance out greatly.
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    10.1 not for gaming

    No games are not made to "Require" a Radeon/GeForce...but they are the recommended card for the best gaming experienence. True the ATI RAGE isn't obsolete....but it's not anywhere close to being a good gaming card. You mention that UT runs great on OS9 with your 8mb RAGE.....I can only assume...
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    10.1 not for gaming

    Dude, I've had a 466 iBook and there is a far cry from it and the G4 systems running a Radeon/GeForce. I'm glad you're happy with the performace of your iBook......They're great little computers. But the reason others are talking about better performance is because they're in a whole other...
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    iSub works, but not very well in 10.1

    Yes! I have had the same strange distortion....Stopping the app and restarting it always fixes it though. I'm sure Apple will patch it soon.
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    sound static under 10.1

    I have encountered sorta the same thing......when in iTunes or Quicktime in 10.1 the iSub sometimes freaks out...sounds like it's blown. I can quit the app(or stop the song) and restart it and everything is fine....odd, but still not enough of a problem to scare me away from this great OS.