Search results

  1. Greg_Reez

    Machine not able to shut down or log out all the way

    I go to shut down my machine through the apple menu, and it hasn't been shutting down all the way. The icons on my desktop and my menu bar goes away like its getting ready to shut down, but the dock remains. It looks like something is holding up the shutting down process. I tried to shut...
  2. Greg_Reez

    Canon ip3000 double sided printing

    Your printer can't do double sided printing. When it finishes printing one side, you will have to flip the page around, send back through the printer and then tell it to print page two. This is sometimes not recommended since depending on how much color you have in the item you are printing, it...
  3. Greg_Reez

    Can't Quit Preview (It's Locked Up)

    I rarely use preview for anything but this time I double clicked a file from a CD that just happened to be a 500mb tif. Preview began launching, but now it is not responding, like its basically frozen. I right clicked the icon in the dock to force quit, nothing. I opened the Force Quit...
  4. Greg_Reez


    It should be installed, check your applications folder.
  5. Greg_Reez


    I hate Safari, I hate Internet Exploder. I use Firefox as do a few others in my office
  6. Greg_Reez

    Funny sites

    Everytime I drop my wife off at work, there is this same jerk who double parks his Escalade/Benz/Bentley in reverse, in the same spot. Apparently he is the owner of a chain of tanning salons. I'll be happy to submit a photo to that site. What a blankety blank!
  7. Greg_Reez

    Printing PDFs in Preview and Adobe Reader

    Are the PDFs appearing normal when you are viewing them in Reader? I assume that the PDFs contain fonts that are not installed on your system, causing text appearance inconsistencies when printing from Adobe Reader. I think Preview opens them and converts them automatically before printing. You...
  8. Greg_Reez

    InDesign Auto Save

    InDesign has a recovery feature, where if the program crashes or if the computer shuts off, it'll prompt you and ask you if you want to recover or ignore the lost file the next time you start the program. This has saved my tail in the past, to bad PS or AI don't have the same function. Under...
  9. Greg_Reez

    Installing windows, please inquire!

    For the record, forum rules are here.
  10. Greg_Reez

    Installing windows, please inquire!

    You won't get any assistance here with language like that.
  11. Greg_Reez

    Funny sites

    A Tribute to Michael Jackson
  12. Greg_Reez

    Funny sites

    OH MAN. That is great reading. Had me on the edge of my seat all the way through. How come I can't find stuff like this?!
  13. Greg_Reez

    2008 Photo of the Year?

    I want to see the photo too. I don't see anything.
  14. Greg_Reez

    I want a bigger iPod Touch

    I'll be dancing around if they call it Macbook Nano.
  15. Greg_Reez

    computer anti-theft strategy

    Renting space elsewhere or leaving them with a friend is your best bet. Unfortunate things happen all the time and although chances are slim for home robberies or break-ins, all it takes is that one time for all of your computers to be swiped. If you choose not to rent at a storage facility...
  16. Greg_Reez

    No right click, link highlight or Dock magnification

    ARGH! This is happening as we speak! So frustrating.
  17. Greg_Reez

    Comedy Circuit Star Sarah Palin to pitch for next Presidency.

    Gotta love's forums... this is why I come back day after day after day. Some discussions here are more in depth than college classrooms and even more eclectic than a smoke-filled college dorm room. I also just wanted to add that Sarah Palin is oh so hot.
  18. Greg_Reez

    Error code 61

    Brilliant idea. Thanks for sharing. Have a specific question?
  19. Greg_Reez

    I want a bigger iPod Touch

    I'm not exactly sure who this type of thing would appeal to. It's a big iPhone without the phone, and a small Macbook without the power. It kind of gets rid of everything that people want and need. I CAN imagine it being purchased by those who already have a powerful machine, and need a smaller...
  20. Greg_Reez

    No right click, link highlight or Dock magnification

    This type of thing is extremely frustrating for me also. I'm using a logitech wireless mouse as well, and I think that has something to do with it. The only thing I've found that fixes this is to in fact unplug your mouse and plug it in again. This happens to me at lease 2-5 times per week and...