Search results

  1. D

    Firewire enclosure problems

    my problem is that when I do the ejecting, nothing will make the HD come back again except for removing the enclosure and phsyically reconnecting the internal cable. That pisses me off because 1) I like to eject the disk and turn it off when not in use 2) It often gets disconnected if I lose...
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    Firewire enclosure problems

    I have a firewire enclosure and a 60 GB 7200 IDE drive in it. I can't seem to "eject" it in the finder. when I do eject it, i have to remove the case and phsyicall reconnect the drive before my mac will recognize it (if I don't do that I can have it plugged in, but it won't show up as a mounted...
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    Show Your Dock

    Mine's kinda dull, blank background, basic apps
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    Nimda attacks?

    My firewall app (NetBarrier) is getting dozens of "Nimda Attacks" from people within my schools network (University of Michigan) I am wondering what this is? Should I contact IT and tell them? When I try to ping the IP address back, or do a port scan, or traceroute, the comp that sent...
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    Apple: Go to IT

    Here is a good article from As a long time apple stock owner, I would love to see Apple increase its market share into IT. By showing people that OS X is cheaper, more secure, and more reliable, I think you can expand your customer base...
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    Not superfast, but supercool and democratic.

    So, the argument of P4 v. AMB v G4 can continue. Apple didn't release a faster pro chip. But They did do something that Microsoft cannot do: They developed a truly democratic machine. We no longer have to just sit and ingest products that are fed to us, but can easily create with...
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    speaking of Quake, how do you display frame rate in Q3?
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    G4 & Monitor offer extended

    Apple extended their instant rebate on Studio Displays with the purchase of a G4 until Jan 31 2002 NOT something they typically do before releasing new G4s or new Displays (unless the ship time on both is over 4 weeks and they have a lot of older...
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    Hard Drive Icons On Desktop

    I love the clean desktop idea. My desktop has nothing, and I mean literally nothing on it. I keep my dock hidden, and hide my hard drives. The only thing I show are mounted disks like CDs and Zip (which I use rarely). Why? I love desktop pics, and the wow factor of my Flat Panel...
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    Why don't more apps use the "services" feature found under AppName>Services? I never noticed how nice it is in stickes to have this feature. Also, anyone know how to edit this menu? I don't want Quake to have an entry anymore. :confused:
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    Lets get together some arguments why MAC is better than PeeCee!!!

    Apple most assuredly devoloped this tech. Anyone else remember the fiasco of the Wintel world getting pissed because of Apple's licensing fees on Firewire?
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    Comprehensive Cross platform benchmarking

    Never said the ones I site were any less biased, just more of what we expect (i.e. what Jobs has spoon fed us). And I did say they were old, and that current P4 and AMD chips are much faster than the Dual 800. BUT, power aside, Apple has gold with OS X if they can do it right (and they...
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    MWSF - Apple sets expectations high

    Usually by now (one week prior), the rumor sites are overflowing with information about what will be released at an Expo. Oddly, they are pretty silent. Is this stuff so good that Apple has kept such a tight lid on it? or are they keeping a tight lid to keep expectations low so we are...
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    Comprehensive Cross platform benchmarking

    These Benchmarks have some SERIOUS flaws. (Apart from some of the links no longer existing) All the ones from have the disclaimer Basically saying these aren't official, and the testers can show biased results. You'll notice that...
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    Copy protect kills iPod?

    There is a fast way to send a message to companies that try to use these methods to protect their CDs. Get them in the wallet. 1) But the CD using your credit card 2) Attempt to play it on your Mac 3) When it fails, return the item to the store 4) Ask to speak to the manager and tell him...
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    Dell going out of business

    Ok, Dell isn't really going out of business. But, people keeps telling me that Apple is going out of business soon. so, if that is true, and Apple is in a financial tailspin, why did Apple out-rank...
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    Dies irae, dies illa.Kyrie Eleison... so sad

    So sad, on of the pixels on my 17" display is dead. I only noticed it when I ran pixel check. And while I was looking at it at close range, I noticed lots of other pixles going dead before my eyes. Actually, it was just dust accumulating on the monitor. So I wiped my screen clean, but more...
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    GoLive 6 Beta overview

    Dreamweaver is at this point nothing but vaporware (it was announced soooooooooooooooo long ago, and shown at an expo). Where is it now? Not to be found. Macromedia may hurt themselves unless they hurry the heck up! Seems like all the web devolopment people I know use macs, and a lot of them...
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    Would you buy an iPod?

    You could use the optional AC adapter, and one of those car cigarette light apaters to draw power AND I bet one of those things that look like tapes, and play in the cassette player of a car would work with the headphone jack, a 1000 Song car trip.
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    OS X w/out monitor?

    1) get a cheap and small monitor 2) attach a converter.... those little VGA to the larger (old)mac standard system thing. had the same problem, but OS X couldn't tell if there was an actual monitor or a converter in the VGA port. Those things are cheap too ($10-15 US)