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  1. S

    Official MacWorld Keynote Discussion Thread

    So much confusion! Can't they be split? (the two threads)
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    iWeb part of iLife '06?

    iWeb is going to be just like RapidWeaver
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    Need Confirmation

    Yeah, i should wait two more days. But my money is waiting to be spent! :)
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    Need Confirmation

    I'm pretty sure that Apple will not introduce a new iPod Tuesday. But to be sure, I just need one more confirmation. So I can buy my new (black 30GB) iPod tomorrow! So will they NOT introduce a new iPod?
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    Windows Vista's Revolutionary New Features

    I had the same video in my head when i was watching that Microsoft's keynote.
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    iWeb part of iLife '06?

    Let's hope it will create webstandards validated pages.
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    Fun with Remote Desktop

    Neverending screens!
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    New! Slimmed Down Site Layout

    The green ads by Google should be grey, so they seamlessly blend with the background and don't catch the eye first.
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    ViiV - Mac mini

    This morning I've read in the newspaper that the PC-attached-to-TV market is growing. You don't have to read a newspaper to know that, but ... whatever. They talked about Intel releasing the ViiV, which is especially designed for recording and playing video. I can't find which processor it...
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    we can breath easier about intel macs

    The "e" is still there. The logo itself is a lowercase E, with the word "intel" as the horizontal line.
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    American Phone Number...

    Hi, I've had a call this morning by this number: +1 511 8769727 I was not at home, so I couldn't pick up the phone. +1 means that it's a call from America, Canada, Jamaica or some other small countries that are in relation with the USA. It's kind of strange that I have a call from abroad, so...
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    It still works after 15 years of use.

    People use old computers. @ This makes me want to go to the cellar and dig up my father's Macintosh SE. brb... :)
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    Think Secret: "Apple Planning Intel iBook Debut for January?"

    An Intel Powerbook makes more sense than an Intel iBook, doesn't it? POWERbook... Or does Intel not necessary means more power?
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    Div + PHP include....

    I've never used <layer>, but your CSS advice works perfect. Check it out Thanks! senne
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    Div + PHP include....

    Hi, i'm working on renewing my website. Here's the test page. I've included this txt file with PHP. But it's not giving the result that i want. I don't want it to expand vertically all the way to the bottom of the page, but instead i want it to stop at the end of the div where it's in. So...
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    I bought a Mighty Mouse

    Can somebody merge my 2 threads? I accidentaly created two. I don't think it's the same technology as the iPod, but it is comparable.
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    I bought a Mighty Mouse

    Yesterday i've bought a Mighty Mouse (55€). I'm quite happy with it, but there's one annoying glitch. When i click in the middle of the mouse, i always get a Right-click. When i click 1cm to the left beginning from the middle of the mouse, i sometimes still get a Right-click. It really...
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    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Broken Social Scene - Looks just Like The Sun
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    Center Layers?

    Wow, thanks a lot mdnky! When i'm back in Brussels i will try to make my site look as good as your version... I say "try". Thanks again
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    Leopard to Feature Redesigned Finder

    Ok, choice of color isn't my best... :) But still, Apple's solution for selected labels is bad.