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  1. jomaan

    Diablo 2

    in a month???? wow what a nice news!!! thx very much can you make a post when patch is ready???? thx another time. jomaan
  2. jomaan

    Diablo 2 More

    I forgot... when I reboot in Os 9.1, when Diablo 2 starts (if starts) the speed is slow, very slow slow slow, why?? it's iimpossible to play. Anothe wierd sympthom is, sometimes when Diablo 2 starts cannot load a saved game. Diablo 2 freezes (but music still playing) in load screen (when a...
  3. jomaan

    Diablo 2

    Since I installed MacOs X (updated 10.1.2) Diablo 2 didn't work. When I launch the game (Diablo 2 icon bouncing in dock), Os X startup classic (9.2.1), when classic is fully loaded, Diablo 2 bouncing icon disappears from dock and nothing happens, Diabo 2 is not working. Diablo 2 is updated at...
  4. jomaan

    Can' startup photoshop in 10.1

    Classic is started befor launching Photoshop 6, but also tried photoshop startups Classic. the exact message of sistem is: "Photoshop can be launched because you don't have suficient privileges" It's strange the message window appears in classic enviroment not in X, and this message appears...
  5. jomaan

    QuickCAm no drivers

    Exist any driver or third party app to run a QuickCam VC on Os X 10.1? in Logitech website only exist one driver realesed in 1998!!! thx
  6. jomaan

    Can' startup photoshop in 10.1

    I can't start Photoshop 6 in Os X 10.1, system displays a message saying "insuficient privileges" or something like that. What can I do??? I login like the Admin, this means I have all privileges to startup any app, thats right?? if not what can I do to have this privilege? many thX
  7. jomaan

    No auto startUp

    yes it works, but only for one time, in my case at second auto stratup os X won't remember. damn!:mad:
  8. jomaan

    No auto startUp

    I can't setup a cron job to startup the machine, but I don't know if I did correctly, otherwise I think you are in right, cron jobs only works with machine running. thx
  9. jomaan

    Upgrading to 9.2.1

    OK, I explain how I did the upgrade, First I booted from 9.1, with the 9.2.1 upgrade Cd that cames with 10.1 upgrade the 9.1. When upgrade finishes reboot with 10.0.4 and apply the 10.1 upgrade. Note: I performed a customized intallation in 9.2.1, no colorsync and remote acces. Also in 10.1...
  10. jomaan

    No auto startUp

    well, I'll try to search cronix, I'm a zero experienced user with unix then if it's possible I'll try to avoid if exist the possiblity that an app do the job. thx if anyone of you never know the existance of a shutdown and startup app please let me know, posting an article thx again
  11. jomaan

    No auto startUp

    what's this??? 3th party app?? thx
  12. jomaan

    Upgrading to 9.2.1

    Try to upgrade 9.1 booting from 9.1, then insert the CD and try to upgrade, in my case works. bye
  13. jomaan

    No auto startUp

    Yesterday I installed the upgrade to Os X 10.1, and works at this time fine, but I can't find in energy saver panel the autostart up/shotdown option (like in classic), where is it??? it's in another location??? thx
  14. jomaan

    get info??

    I remember when in Classic do a cmd-I a window appears and displays a lot of info, such as free Hard disk space and used hard disk space.... How can I do to show this info in Os X 10.0.4??? thx
  15. jomaan


    Remeber when in Os 9.x some app doesn't run or crashes? tipical solution was delet the damned preference file of that App, and finally this app works again..... My question is..... in OsX 10.x.x can I delete the preference files like in Os 9.x? I need to put away the classic preferences...
  16. jomaan

    Not enough privileges

    This "small question mark button on the dialog" often appears in MacOs X windows, but this message saying that I don't have enough privileges appears in Mac Os 9.1 window(Classic enviroment). How can I start in single user mode?? thx
  17. jomaan

    Classic disappears

    I have 3 HD's, 20Gb MainHD and 9.1, 4Gbwith OsX and 9.1, and 2Gb without system. This day I use a fresh install copy of MacOs 9.1 in 4Gb HD to run with Os X. But two days ago this system (Os9.1 on 4Gb) disappeared to run. I explain... the system folder exist, but in Classic control panel is not...
  18. jomaan

    Not enough privileges

    Passed days I tried to start Photoshop 6 with mac OS X 10.0.4, with no results, when classic starts appears a message telling taht I don't have enough privileges!!! Why? I'm the admin!! How I can get enough privileges to start Photoshop??? thx
  19. jomaan

    Auto Boot im OS X 10.0.4

    NO in 10.0.4 in this control panel no appears this feature, but yesterday I restarted with OS 9.1 configured this OS to startup at certain hour, restarted again with OS X, and the shuted down the mac, this morning my G4 started at the time I was programed in OS 9.1!!!! I don't know what happens.....
  20. jomaan

    OsX Still damage OS 9

    No men I didn't try to run cocoa app under OS9, I peformed a basic operation like Start ATM or Print desktop or run Adobe Photohsop... Any idea??? At this moment I installed OS X in my Second HD(4Gb) with a OS 9.1, and in other Disk (first 20Gb) installed my primary OS 9.1. Note: you have an...