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  1. D

    New iMac hints, what possible configurations for the next iMacs?

    I'm pretty much ready to buy an iMac...but wondering if Apple could come out with a 2GHz version soon? Maybe a 23" version?? Or am I just dreaming?? I know it would be getting into the Power Mac territory but it would be a good idea for high end users not wanting the full-on potential of the...
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    AirPort Extreme via Ethernet (help please!!)

    I don't have an airport card. I thought I didn't need one seeing I was connected via ethernet? If I need one where can I find some for sale onine? I imagine production of the first air port cards was stopped long ago right..
  3. D

    AirPort Extreme via Ethernet (help please!!)

    Guys if anyone can help here I would really appreciate it. I'm trying to set up my Air Port Extreme via ethernet from my Cube. This is so I can connect to the internet via AirPort to my DSL modem and so that I can use my PC (XP) wirelessly. This is what I have done so far. I opened up...
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    Silly iTunes question...

    Cheer guys. God knows how that got turned off...and how did I miss it!!! :p I knew it was going to be a silly question :p
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    Silly iTunes question...

    Ok this probably has the simplest answer but for some reason I can only get 2 windows to display when I click the "Browse" button while in "Library." A friend of mine has 3 in this mode. I've tried everything and looked anywhere and the only thing I can come up with is that I'm limited by the...
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    APP makes 10.3.3 crash!!

    upss sorry didn't know I wasn't supposed to mention progs like that Thanks for the pointers
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    APP makes 10.3.3 crash!!

    So I finally upgraded to 10.3.3 the other day and ever since then I get the following problems: -After a while I run a download App the system crashes (about 3-4 times a day). If I don't run BT then every thing runs perfectly -Canon Image Browser crashes on start up everytime Really...
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    Media player

    Here are 2 of the last vids I tried to download. A friend racing a car so no pornos here if anyone is wondering:D :p Still no luck in finding a way to play video. I just get audio...
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    Media player

    Yes but that is no good for me. If someone puts up a video of something I'm really interested in then avoiding it is not an option! I know mpegs are much better and Microsoft knows this yet they try very hard to make their windows users use .wmv as much as possible. Another attempt to...
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    Media player

    So when do the monopolists at Microsoft feel it is the right time to allow us Mac users to use the new WMP? I can no longer keep count of how many times I have downloaded .wmv files that are encoded for WMP 9 and that cannot be watched on Macs. It just pisses me off so much when things...
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    stuck item on desktop!

    bobw...thank you so much! All sorted now!
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    stuck item on desktop!

    eh...should have said...I have restared about 10 times since;)
  13. D

    stuck item on desktop!

    I have a stuck file on my desktop. Everytime I try to move to another folder or to the trash I get a message saying that its being used by another task! Its been like this for 3 days now! How do I get rid of this annoying problem??
  14. D

    Why has printing slowed down in Acrobat??

    The weirdest thing has happened to my computer/printer. After installing 10.2.5 and the new HP driver for my 1220C all prinitng is fine except from Acrobat Reader. I used to print A3 pages in draft qualiy at amazing speeds but now it takes a good 4 minutes per page! Why is this?? Help...
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    Apple & Net MD...still not compatible!!

    Yep point taken, but why doesn't Sony design the software for Macs! It does for PC and it just seems they are assuming their Net MD are not used by people with Macs! Seems pretty stupid to me to ignore a market sector, even if it is on the small side. Ah well....can't win against the big...
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    Apple & Net MD...still not compatible!!

    I know the iPod is great, but that still doesn't answer why Net MD are not compatible with Macs! Plus until Apple makes the iPod a bit smaller and llighter I'm not getting one:D ;)
  17. D

    Apple & Net MD...still not compatible!!

    What is up with this!! Here in Japan Net MDs are all the rage. I have one and its really cool to use and keep your music nice and organized. Problem is that there is still no support for Net MD on the OSX platform(not that there was any on OS9!!) What the hell is up with this?? Why am I...
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    iPod 2 Speculation

    Bluetooth headphones are definitely a great idea! But for me the ultimate iPod 2 would allow me to download my pictures from my digital camera so that i dont have to buy 20 memory-sticks! The space is available so it would be great for people that have a passion for both music and digital...
  19. D

    Sound sticks 2

    I've already rouled out the JBL ones. I prefer the sound of the sound sticks. They have really clear highs and much better distributed as there are 4 tweeters. Looks like the iSticks & iSub will have to be the ones!:D
  20. D

    Graphic Converter patch

    Thanks:) I'll give it a go....