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    Login Screen — Configurable?

    I know this is an old topic but I'm hoping TestUser is still listening... I'm having the opposite problem. I sleep fine when logged in in any user account. However, neither my screensaver nor sleep functions when I'm logged out and have the login screen up on my iMac DV SE. I would of...
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    External Firewire Drive Problem

    Ed, thanks so much for the reply. Just curious, how did you update the bridge with your other drive? Was it a firmware update? Can it be appied to the Maxtor drive as well? Thanks again. Alan
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    File Sharing Problem in 10.1.3

    Thanks cybergoober. Just checked out a similar thread in Apple Discussion (" Mac OS X > Using Technologies > Networking and the Web > Connecting to servers slow") and it seems that a Cable/DSL router's DNS entries affect the search for local servers -- which considerably slows down the Log In...
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    External Firewire Drive Problem

    My Maxtor external 40 G Firewire drive does not automount on my desktop after warm restarts or cold starts on my iMac with 10.1.3. It worked fine in 10.1.2 but now misbehaves since the update. The drive mounts and stays mounted once I unplug and re-plug it in once the Finder loads -- even...
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    File Sharing Problem in 10.1.3

    Curious to know if there are more people that are having a serious slowdown when trying to connect one computer to another within their local area network (or computer direct to computer). Trying to connect from my PowerBook to my iMac or vice versa used to take a second or two (connected...
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    10.1.3 and Local Networking

    One interesting sidebar is that when I switch my network ethernet settings to Manual or Manual Using DHCP Router (as opposed to Using DHCP as is suggested by my Linksys Router), the Log In dialogue box pops right up with no delay after choosing "Connect to Server..." Of course I then loose...
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    10.1.3 and Local Networking

    Since upgrading both my PB Pismo and my iMac DV SE 400 from 10.1.2 to 10.1.3, choosing "Connect to Server..." from the Finder's Go menu now takes an excruciatingly long time -- at least a minute -- to present the Connect to Server Log In dialogue box when trying to network the two computers...
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    Kernel Panic with Belkin USB Pocket Hub?

    Thanks for the reply, Ed. I was just about to log on to find out if there are any USB Hubs out there that don't present a problem with OS X. Any ideas?
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    Kernel Panic with Belkin USB Pocket Hub?

    I have an iMac DV SE 400, 384 MB RAM, running MacOS 10.1.2. Pro Keyboard, Logitech Optical Wheel Mouse, Maxtor 40GB Firewire Drive, QPS CD-RW Firewire Drive, Belkin USB Pocket Hub with HP 960Cse printer, Palm Connect USB/Palm 5 Cradle, Canon Canoscan and an Iomega Zip 250 connected to Hub. I...
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    Weird Networking Question

    Kenny, thanks for this! I will try it today or tomorrow and let you know how it works out. UPDATE: Just tried it and it worked!! Thanks again Kenny. Your instructions were flawless!! Terminal can be a scary place but you certainly made it feel safer to use the command line.
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    Weird Networking Question

    Kenny, thanks for the reply. I'm a UNIX newbie so I'm hoping you might be able to walk me through the 2 steps in Terminal you mentioned (before proceeding to deleting the errant directory). First, what do I type to get a listing in Terminal of what Volumes are mounted and then a listing of...
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    Weird Networking Question

    I have a local network of 3 Macs, one of which running 10.1.2. When I connect to one of my Macs (running OS 9.1) from the one running 10.1.2 using the Finder's Connect to Server (either via the Local Network or AppleTalk lists) the finder appends a "-1" to the end of the server name (i.e...
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    Wierd iTunes 2.0.2 error

    Testuser, your best guess was correct -- it was indeed the file: To confirm this I logged in as another admin user and launched the new iTunes. I then tried to set iTunes as the default Internet media player for this user and it worked perfectly. I figured...
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    Wierd iTunes 2.0.2 error

    Thanks for the reply. I will try your suggestions and let you know how it turns out. I have a feeling it has something to do with either the Internet Prefs or iTunes prefs files you mentioned in your post. The iTunes prefs file is leftover from iTunes 1 so perhaps it has become corrupted. In...
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    Wierd iTunes 2.0.2 error

    When trying to set Internet playback default to iTunes (in the iTunes Preferences) I get an error message: "unknown error (-50) unable to update Internet preferences." Does anyone know what the error means and how to fix it? Thanks. I can be emailed directly at
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    External HD Grinds or Clunks on Disk Access

    Hoping to find out why a Maxtor Firewire external 40 Gig HD is making a clunking noise when some applications access the drive. It seems to happen most often when Classic applications access the drive while running 10.1. I don't seem to have the problem when booted in 9.1. The clunk lasts for...
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    Strange sound from HD after waking from sleep

    It might indeed be linked to sleep but it seems to happen on my Maxtor 40 gig firewire drive when a Classic Application accesses the disk on Open or Save commands. My internal drive does not seem to suffer from this problem. Any ideas?