Search results

  1. P

    I can't delete unwanted email

    It used to be that when I selected a message in my IN box and pressed "delete," the message would end up in TRASH. Now when I press "delete," nothing happens. The message stares back at me without blinking. Should I choose an alternate route: Mail > Message > Move To > Trash, again nothing...
  2. P

    Tough iBook hinge.

    Happily, I already had 3-in-One in my tool kit (I use it on my fishing reels). I dispensed a little in a bottle cap and dipped a sewing needle in it and carried minute amounts of oil to the very narrow slit of space between the end of the hinge and the computer. While I didn't over do it, I...
  3. P

    Tough iBook hinge.

    When I raise the lid on my white dual USB iBook circa 2001, it sounds like an elephant passing wind sitting on a bass drum. I looked at it carefully and noted that the ends of the hinge (the pins) that fit into the main body of the laptop are very loose fit in the socket. Indeed, I can move the...
  4. P

    Where did my spell-checker go to school?

    I must say, now that I know how Google works, it doesn't diminish my opinion that it's more useful for me than my native spell checker. Although your final paragraph is essentially Greek to me because I'm running a Mac, I do have "Check spelling while typing" enabled. My ultimate...
  5. P

    Where did my spell-checker go to school?

    When you enter an incorrectly spelled word in Google's search box, you're asked in red ink: Did you mean (correctly spelled word)? There are scores of words Mac OS X 10.3.9 doesn't recognize or respond to, but you'll always get a reaction on Google. For example: when I enter "spelcheck" in Mail...
  6. P

    Where did my spell-checker go to school?

    I wish to say I'm sorry for being so testy with you earlier. Your continued efforts to help me show you to be the superior person. Thank you for sticking with me. I entered Merriam-Webster in Mail 1.3.11 and in TextEdit, and on both occasions one continuous dotted red line underlined...
  7. P

    Where did my spell-checker go to school?

    EldiabloConCaca: When I said I can barely spell cat, I didn't mean literally, I suppose I was being a smart-ass and trying to convey the idea that the spell-checker was failing on too many words — I've lost confidence in it. There's nothing to fix, the spell-checker stinks. If you want to...
  8. P

    Where did my spell-checker go to school?

    C'mon willya? You need a spellchecker! Read my post again.
  9. P

    Where did my spell-checker go to school?

    I am thoroughly vexed with my Mail 1.3.11 spell-checker which isn't all that better informed than me, and I can barely spell cat. Would some well versed soul out there advise me on how I can deep-six my speller for a speller that can spell?
  10. P

    What's with Ubuntu, is it an viable option?

    This is not sarcasm, I'm being sincere. I thank you for providing me with a valuable insight, which is to say: I better not mess around with Ubuntu. The reality is, I didn't understand a word of your first paragraph. Happily I fathomed the second. I think I'd better stay with Apple.
  11. P

    What's with Ubuntu, is it an viable option?

    It seems to me that the lack of Adobe Flash is a serious defect, but leaving that aside, I'm trying to determine how much of a trauma Ubuntu would be for a Mac lover with absolutely no PC experience?
  12. P

    What's with Ubuntu, is it an viable option?

    Thank you for responding so fast. Having found someone who can really help, let me flesh out my dilemma. I've never had any experience with a PC, nor do I yearn to do so now. My current machine is the G3 iBook 600 and I don't want to spend $2000+ for another Mac. When I read about Ubuntu, I...
  13. P

    What's with Ubuntu, is it an viable option?

    I'd love to hear from anyone who has installed Ubuntu, and has formed an opinion of its worth compared to Mac OS X.
  14. P

    Is there a web accelerator out there for me?

    I'm running OS 10.3.9 on a G3 iBook with dial-up. Unhappily, broadband is not an option for me. The natural consequence is that downloads are painfully glacial. I'm resolved to try a web accelerator, but would like to skip the trial and error part. I'm hoping someone out there can steer me...
  15. P

    My Address Book is backed up alright, but how do I un-back-it?

    You don't understand, the only Address Book I have is on my external backup drive. The previous writer (g/re/p) has the right medicine, I just need a little more help and I'll be home free.
  16. P

    My Address Book is backed up alright, but how do I un-back-it?

    ElDiabloConCaca: You don't understand, there no longer is any address book at the end of that rainbow — the only Address Book I have is parked in my Fantom external backup HD. g/re/p (previous reply) has the right medicine, I just need slightly more help to be whole again.
  17. P

    My Address Book is backed up alright, but how do I un-back-it?

    Wow! I'm so on the cusp, one click will get me there — but paranoia has me frozen in my tracks, I'm afraid to proceed. Your directions are great, but they're not matching my screen. I suspect we're using two versions of CCC, mine is v2.3! Let me describe my window. On top: "Use this utility...
  18. P

    My Address Book is backed up alright, but how do I un-back-it?

    I"m running OS 10.3.9 on a G3 iBook 600MHz. I've backed up my entire HD to a 80GB Fantom external drive. Since then, I've managed to lose my Address Book in its entirety. I'm 86 years old, senile, and to save my life I can't figure out how to transfer my saved Address Book from my external...
  19. P

    What's with those Chinese 45W AC Adapters?

    Thank you, I'll check it out.
  20. P

    What's with those Chinese 45W AC Adapters?

    I'm still slogging around with my venerable white, dual USB G3 iBook and I'm facing the dreadful task of buying yet another (my fourth) 45W AC Adapter. Mine all wear out at where they plug it into that laptop — it's a rotten design. I'm going to need another unit any day, and it kills me to...