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  1. C

    Right mouse click?

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    launchd: getty repeating too quickly on port /dev/fax, sleeping

    I keep receiving strange (error?) messages in on Mac OS X 10.4.2. I have no idea how long this has been going on, but yesterday I recognized it for the first time. launchd: getty repeating too quickly on port /dev/fax, sleeping What exactly is that and what can I do about it...
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    VirtualPC 7 networking

    I have a problem using VPC 7: When "virtual switch" is used, an error message is prompted stating that "virtual switch cannot be activated". Shared networking also does not work. As a result, I cannot access the Internet. But that is the only reason for me to use VPC to check webpages on some...
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    My router keeps telling me I have "SYN Flood" attacks every now and then but I believe that is harmless. They normally look like this: 01/04/2005 12:30:58 **SYN Flood to Host** 192.???.?.10?, 1283->>, 80 (from PPPoE Outbound) - ? = real digits are hidden! However, a few...
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    VNC Mac --> Win

    I use VNC (Chicken of the VNC and WinVNC) and I am trying to connect to a PC with Win XP Home from my G5 Mac OS X 10.3.1 machine. A black window opens but then I receive an error message: "Terminate Connection ZlibHex unknown subencoding 92 encountered" Has anyone got an odea what it...
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    PSC 950 Fax driver

    I have a PSC 950 AIO printer device. Everything works well in Panther 10.3.1. The only thing which won't work is the installation of the fax driver. In "Print Center" it says "AIO Fax" is available but I cannot add a fax printer driver in order to send faxes straight out of Office or the like...
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    Panther and Britannica

    Since I have upgraded to Mac OS X 10.3 Panther on my G5 1.6 Ghz everything works like a charm. Well, just like it used to with 10.2.8, only a bit more elegantly... The only problem I have faced so far is an incompatibilty with the Encyclopedia Britannica 2002 Standard Version CD (Win/Mac). I...
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    Application "host" wants to connect to the Internet

    Does anyone know what exactly the application "host" is which repeatedly wants to go online on my G5 with Panther 10.3 installed? In Jaguar I have never had this application prompt this message. Until I know what "host" is and what it wants, Little Snitch will block its attempts to connect to...
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    G5 fan noise

    My new G5 1.6 Ghz (Combo) is way too loud as far as I am concerned. Even my wife's standard PC is quieter. Have any of you had similar experiences? What can I do to locate the noise and to solve the problem?
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    G5 and Gimp-print

    Yesterday I received my G5 1.6 Ghz PowerMac. Yes, great, uh? :-) Everything works well, but I cannot get gimp-print to do what it's supposed to: print. The drivers install fine, the printer appears in Print Center but it just won't do anything. All print jobs simply disappear in data...
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    Has anyone been able to start Classic in Panther (WWDC)? And what about 7b21?
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    Changing iTunes 4 GUI

    I would like to change the appearance of iTunes 4 as to make it look like iTunes 3 again. I especially dislike the new "pause" / "stop" buttons which - at least on my Mac - seem to be unproportionally large. I have already found out where these settings can be located with Resorcerer. You...
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    Has anyone installed the update already? It should be available via software updater.
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    iMovie background music

    I am trying to find "atmospheric", very short (0:10) background sounds such as those used in movies (f.e. thrillers) to create tension and atmosphere. Does anyone have an idea where to find those?
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    Happy New Year

    I hope you will all have a great new year 2003! Best wishes from Germany, Christoph.
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    HP printers and 10.2.2 - a solution?

    Has anyone of you heard of the new HPIJS (footmatic) printer drivers which supposedly replace HP drivers for more than 200 HP printer models? I have downloaded the drivers from and...
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    Fonts in this forum are blurred...

    Strange: today many of the posts in this forum are blurred and look like barcode fonts to me. When I click these blurred lines, they show up okay again. I am using Chimera Navigator 0.5 and Jaguar.
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    How to: Set up HP LaserJet 4L with Mac OS X 10.2

    You still have an old HP Laserjet printer sitting on the attic? Your Mac does not have a parallel port and Mac OS X does not support old Laserjets? Think again. With Mac OS X 10.2, the freeware gimp-print and a network print server (f.e. SMC Barricade DSL router) you can get your printer running...
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    LaserJet 4L and gimp-print

    I have a LaserJet 4L connected to my "mixed" Jaguar/WinXP network via a DSL router which has a DHCP print server. While the printer works with Windows, I haven't been able to set it up with CUPS and gimp-print 4.2.2. I have followed exactly the given instructions but no pages are being printed...
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    fsck for Firewire devices?

    Who know hows to use fsck from the terminal command line for firewire devices that won't mount properly?