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  1. FaRuvius

    The best description of Bush yet!

    George W. Bush "was born on third base, and he thinks he hit a triple." LOL! FaRuvius
  2. FaRuvius

    I'm sorry

    I must apologize for my recent blindness. I recently posted a thread entitled "The sad state of Mac upgradability". You can read the thread here: It is now, a week later, and I have just been through hell and back. The point...
  3. FaRuvius

    The sad state of Mac upgradeability

    This is bound for a flame war, but I must express my sorrow over the current state of Mac upgrades. I just upgraded my PC at home. I have power supplies, memory, hard drives, CD drives, video cards and keyboards GALORE. so all i really needed was a new mobo and processor. I found...
  4. FaRuvius

    How to know which cat ate your drugs...

    :D :D
  5. FaRuvius

    Shady Dell Advertising

    Saw this dell advertisement over at C|Net. The notebook in this picture looks suspiciously like an iBook, but at the same time, not an iBook. But the kicker is, I can't find a notebook on Dell's website that looks ANYTHING like this one they have pictured here. Is Dell using the slick...
  6. FaRuvius

    which to purchase?

    Which new toy should I purchase? I just sold my 466 g4, and I wished that it were a little bit faster...
  7. FaRuvius

    The Bathroom!

    To go where no PC has gone before! The Bathroom! Steve will introduce the iToilet, a innovative crapper where you sit facing the wall! On top of the tank rests a keyboard and mouse, and a flat screen monitor hangs on the wall above the tank. Built in Airport connects the iToilet to...
  8. FaRuvius

    Fuel to the FIRE!!!

    Just for those of you with short memories: People hacked apart the early shots of the quicksilver G4's that were posted by Cheve][ over at People posted long reasons of why they were fakes, and how they were mocked up in photoshop. How the reflections were wrong, the angles...
  9. FaRuvius

    Windows Media Player

    Hey All, I have posted the X installer for windows media player onto my iDisk. It installs a plugin for IE that works pretty good for websites like CNet that only have real video or WMA. Click here! FaRuvius!
  10. FaRuvius

    I'm moving to canada...

    Apparently the DOJ (Department of Justice, for you non-USA types) has already started monitoring cable-modem internet traffic. Including obtaining IP addresses, usernames, etc. All without a warrant!! -- WIRED Article I don't know about you guys, but this whole "Homeland Security"...
  11. FaRuvius

    post #40,000

    40,000 posts in the Mac community discussions, AND I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!:D :D FaRuvius
  12. FaRuvius


    One of the staple "mac" things seems to be to have your current computing machinery listed(in detail) within one's signature. The numbers of people doing this here are growing. I have nothing against these signatures, but some of them are getting out of hand. Its a little ridiculous when...
  13. FaRuvius

    A suggestion....

    How about having a TEST SERVER. So that you can alter the appearance of the site without subjecting all the viewers to that hideous shade of puke green you just tried? (10:48pm EST ;) ) FaRuvius
  14. FaRuvius

    Here's an idea

    Disregard the chemicals that are floating in the air around my head, but I am searching for a meaning in all of this iPod hoopla. <B>My Idea:</b> The iPod as a testing ground for a PDA's + Laptops. What is an easy, inexpensive way to test out the underlying components/OS for an insanely...
  15. FaRuvius

    iPod = Lame

    WOW. What a disappointment. a) definitely NOT breakthrough. Yeah, it advances current technology, but not breakthrough by ANY means. b) this whole MP3 thing is getting tired. The Rio came out like <b>3 YEARS AGO</b>. I'm tired of Apple touting a technology as "the best thing ever"...
  16. FaRuvius

    iTunes Visuals

    No one really talks about it, so I'm going to say it. The built-in visualizer for iTunes is <B><I>SICK.</i></b> When I first saw it, I was like "ho hum, winamp has like 5000 different visualizers that all rock this one" But the more and more i watch the iTunes viz, the more I love it...