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  1. A

    lombard panic with Panther CD

    I finally got it to install. What seems to have worked was repairing permissions and then rebooting before re-trying the install. At first, the Install Mac OSX bundle appeared to be a folder in the finder. Double-clicking it did result in an attempt to start the installer. However, it would...
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    lombard panic with Panther CD

    Hello, Anyone here tried installing Panther on a Lombard Powerbook? My Powerbook G3 Bronze Keyboard Lombard 333mhz seems to be unable to boot the Panther CD. I insert the CD into the powerbook while running 10.2.8 and usually the installer crashes. Once, however, it did start up and I...
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    Losing faith in Apple?

    Have you ever heard of putting a computer to sleep? Why would you want to turn your computer off? Putting it to sleep uses just about the same amount of power as turning it off... so sleeping is just as economical. And, OSX wakes up faster than booting.. osx or xp. I can't seem to get my...
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    Domain name registrars: what's the best? Good interface, good price.. 12 euros per year.. about 12.00 right now. Was better when the dollar was better. I have about 125 domains with them and for over a year now. I do hosting as well and I have set up a few sites already for .Mac refugees. So, one tip, find a host that...
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    Problem with SoundSticks under 10.1 :mad:

    No idea about how to fix them here. I have the same probelm. However, if I try unplugging, it is a guaranteed kernal panic. Only thing that fixes for me is a reboot.
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    Soundstick problem

    I am having this problem as well. Has even caused a kernal panic once. Usually what happens is that some program freezes up on me.. seems to be waiting to make a sound, but can not because the soundsticks have quit working. Going to the control panel and changing output does no good. I have to...
  7. A leaves mail on the server

    Have you tried checking that account with a different email program to see if it will clear the mail?
  8. A leaves mail on the server

    Is your mail account a or other imap account? Sounds like it. Mine is a standard pop3 account on a linux server. I don't think it is sever related as Entourage retrieves all the mail with no problem. I also have a simple web-based pop3 client that retrieves the mail with no problem...
  9. A leaves mail on the server

    While that script could be useful in some situations, I would prefer to be able to read the mail before deleting it. The problem is that is not READING the mail from the server. It reads most, but leaves some behind. Only the mail that is read is deleted. The rest is not read or...
  10. A leaves mail on the server

    Delete mail on server is already checked. The problem is not that it will not delete messages, the problem is that it will not retrieve all messages. It just leaves some messages on the server.
  11. A leaves mail on the server

    I have a problem where checks the mail and leaves mail on the server without downloading all of it. Most mesages are retrieved, but every day some are left. I can recheck the mail with Entourage and it retrieves all the mail.. and deletes from the server.
  12. A leaves mail on the server

    I have a problem where checks the mail and leaves mail on the server without downloading all of it. Most mesages are retrieved, but every day some are left. I can recheck the mail with Entourage and it retrieves all the mail.. and deletes from the server. Anyone else seen this...
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    the girl/boy-friend reaction

    How big is your cat? The iMac weighs 21 pounds.
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    wanted: realistic reasons to buy a mac

    OSX doesn't come with an FBI warning and did not have 57 security bulletins last year.
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    take a look....

    These colors are awful. Don't pick this one and go with it.
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    WTF is with CompUSA, and XP?

    Well... for those who don't like CompUSA. You could go get a job there and make it better. But, those Mac skills go for more than $7.00 an hour in most places. They get what they pay for. Customers demand bare bones pricing on computers... where's the money to pay highly skilled workers?
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    About the 10.1 disc image

    I burned it in OSX. Toast for OSX. It is not a drag it to the disk and install type of thing. You have to boot from the CD to install.
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    About the 10.1 disc image

    I burned it in OSX. Toast for OSX. It is not a drag it to the disk and install type of thing. You have to boot from the CD to install.
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    Macavenger... your FTP

    If you are using Toast, on the "other" tab, click it and choose disk image. Then select the image. Do not mount it first... otherwise it wont be bootable.
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    Macavenger... your FTP

    I installed 5G64 over 10.0.4 and I did not lose preferences etc. Even custom stuff was still there and working just fine, though I had to make the root directory not group writable again so that sendmail would work.:D