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  1. G

    how do i use 'zip'

    what flags do i use to tar together a directory?
  2. G

    compiling xchat

    This is what i think went wrong in those pictures. The make did not complete so that it would be impossible to make install. Remember, if the ./configure or make end with errors the final install most likely wont work because it is not fully configured and compiled. Edit: BTW where did you...
  3. G

    Quake 3 for OS X

    The first issue is I had a very weird install for Q3 129 for osx. I installed the classic version and it came with a .app program inside it, later when i went into OSX i tried the .app and a screen said demo, then it launched the full normal version of quake 3 version 129. So no problem...
  4. G

    How to enable focus-follows-mouse?

    Is it a coincidence that any window manager more advanced than TWM ( the WM x11 comes with) dropped FFM? Maybe it was too damn annoying.
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    Desktop Pictures

    Im not completely sure but i remember that when i was learning html adn building little web pages that just worked on my computer but isnt the command for accessing a file on ur computer file:/// (3 slashes not 2)??
  6. G

    GIMP install problems

    One time, without changing any configurations or settings i tried to fink gimp one more time, and it worked. Sorry I just forgot to post this follow up. When stuff like that happens on computers, it makes me nervous;)
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    iTunes 1.1.1 bug

    I have a very interesting problem in iTunes v. 1.1.1, if i click anywhere in the play bar ( the black bar on the yellow background) it goes to the next file, intstead of going to where i clicked.
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    GIMP install problems

    I am trying to get GIMP to run on my mac. I have successfully installed Xfree86, XonX, and Window Maker; I used FINK for windowmaker. Because FINK was so successful and easy to use, i decided to try to use it to intall GIMP. I ran it using "fink install gimp" (as root). After it had...
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    Does OSX have an SSH telnet client or a shell command like SSH, which is in most linux distribs that ive seen??
  10. G

    Uninstall DUAL BOOT... PLZ HELP

    heres something that i did not expect to happen. I was playing Rogue Spear one night and it crashed, which is usual;) Then when i rebooted it couldnt boot it just gave me the system foler ? screeen. It couldn't mount my HD, so i had to reformat, while i was at it, i partitoned my disk, so now...
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    Uninstall DUAL BOOT... PLZ HELP

    IS OS9 dependent on any invis files, or can i delete them all, it makes me nervous messing around with invis files, cause, after all, they are invis for a reason. Do u know which invis files i might want to delet specifically. Also, what is a good app to view invis files, i know ResEdit...
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    C & OS X

    When the release version of OSX comes out, are the Dev tools gonna be free like they should be on UNIX, or are they gonna make us pay money for them?!?!?!
  13. G

    Uninstall DUAL BOOT... PLZ HELP

    X(public beta) was working for me untill i installed a currupted update(4k56) after that, it wouldnt boot, so i went back into os9.1 and deleted all the VISIBLE files created by OSX, then i reinstalled OSX, it installed fine and will boot, the only problem is that it didnt runt the setup program...
  14. G

    Mac OS X 4k56!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I had OSX PB installed on my G4Cube, i had a dual boot with OSX and 9.1, one night a friend told me that i should get 4k56 cause its great. so i down load it and burn it to a CD(incorrectly i find out later) it install it and its running the installer but at the very end, it says the...