10.3.3 exceeds expectations...

okay. this works like a charm for me in Mac OS X 10.3.3 7F32 on my iBook 12" G3/800. (still don't know your build...)
fryke said:
okay. this works like a charm for me in Mac OS X 10.3.3 7F32 on my iBook 12" G3/800. (still don't know your build...)

This is just going to annoy you now, I know it will .. I'm not running the recent 10.3.3 build -- I don't _do_ beta stuff anymore .. not with my own hardware anyway! -- I'm running plain old 10.3.2...
It only annoys me because of one thing: You should have taken the question to "System & Software" instead of a thread about 10.3.3 - unless you meant to ask whether this specific problem had been solved in the new build. I'm a helpful person, so I've tried over and over again to reproduce the behaviour. If you had MENTIONED what build you were running in your initial post about the problem, you could have saved me some nerves... ;-)

But I'm not _that_ annoyed. You've done worse before. :P
fryke said:
But I'm not _that_ annoyed. You've done worse before. :P

I wouldn't have mentioned it until I found you lot flapping your lips off about it :D

Anyway, 10.3.3 will be in my Software Update soon enough!..
hopefully there will be soon a new build available for the normal ppl as well...
Did you find any improvement in opengl, Fryke?
i don't do open gl, so i couldn't really say... only thing that definitely uses open gl i'm using is a screensaver, but it doesn't even show fps... someone else has to report on game enhancements... but i'd guess that they're bugfixing now and that the improvements from 7F32 still apply.
Zammy-Sam said:
Huh? It's not working with panther? :confused:

Nope, it causes screen tearing and window contents not being moved with the window.
Also the scroll bars don't refresh properly when you scroll a page or another type of scroll box.
Yeah, it won't work in the Sawtooth's. Also the screen flickers a bit when the dock pops up, which is strange.

You're not doing it right. Never in Panther have you had to select all of the items in a folder to search through them. In the screenshot you posted earlier, you had a single file selected. Of course that won't work. You won't find anything in a selection of one! You need to select the enclosing folder if you want the items within.

I didn't even _think_ of this possibility, chabig, when I tried to help Octane with his search-problem... Well, that certainly clears things up. ;) Yep, Finder will search the selected item(s).
chabig said:
Octane, You're not doing it right.

Yes I am doing it right!

I've been through this time after time after time.

Yes I do select the enclosing folder and it _still_ doesn't work.

The only way for it to work is if you select _all_ of the items in the folder.

I've proved this to a friend of mine. He's seen it, it's been noted...
octane, i looked to see if you were running 10.3.3 or what, but maybe you have some sort of prefs issue borked on your machine. the 'normal' behavior for searching a selection is you can select a folder and it will search the enclosed items. maybe try renaming your finder prefs and trying again?

i know it works for me and most everyone else, so i'm trying to figure out why it's not working for you...
wtmcgee said:
octane, i looked to see if you were running 10.3.3 or what, but maybe you have some sort of prefs issue borked on your machine. the 'normal' behavior for searching a selection is you can select a folder and it will search the enclosed items. maybe try renaming your finder prefs and trying again?

i know it works for me and most everyone else, so i'm trying to figure out why it's not working for you...

Ah, thoughtful advice, a breath of fresh air.

Thanks for that. I'll give it a shot.

No I'm not running the latest unreleased update and I am aware that the Finder search shouldn't be doing what it is, but it does, which is a pain.

Besides, I hardly ever use the Finder to actually find things.

I'm far more likely to be looking for a function or a variable than a file -- such is the efficiency of how I lay out my work folders...
Okay... If it's really bothering you that this doesn't work as intended, please create a thread about it in 'System & Software'.