Why the "About Finder" pic seems fake to me:
-The Jaguar one is smaller (as of 10.2.6)
-The Jaguar one has a smaller Finder icon
-The Jaguar one has a title which says "About The Finder" and not "About Finder"
-The Jaguar one has a minimize button enabled too
-The Jaguar one has the same icon as the icon in the Dock
-The Jaguar one hasn't catchy phrases like "The Macintosh Desktop Experience" which are more true about the whole OS X experience as an OS and not just because of the Finder alone
-The Jaguar one hasn't the Finder version
-The Jaguar one uses the same Font size across the words
Why the "Mail" pic seems fake to me:
-The Jaguar one has Trash into the Mailboxes Drawer
-The Jaguar one has Junk into the Mailboxes Drawer
-The Jaguar one where it says "Working Offline - x messages" uses perfect letter sizes and not small-big-small-big ones!
-The Jaguar one uses a different divider between the Preview and Messages List
-The Jaguar one uses a different Compose icon
Why the "System Preferences" pic seems fake to me:
-The Jaguar one has ColorSync
-The Jaguar one doesn't mess with Print Center or something
-The Jaguar one it has General and not Appearance
-The Jaguar one it has Screen Effects and not Screen Saver
-What about Security?
-What about the missing Login Items and My Account?
Why the "Exposé" pic seems fake to me:
-Everything about "Exposé" seems fake including the graphics used to that pic in order for the user to interact with "Exposé" options
-Also, in the "System Preferences" pic we get that "shadow" telling us that we have "Show All" enabled but while in "Exposé" we do not see it
Why the "iChat" pic seems fake to me:
-This time we get that "shadow" from sys prefs but its size is smaller than the previous one
-The Jaguar one has its toolbar icons more squared spaced against its other
-Also, this picture remind me more of XP Luna than OS X
Why the "Labels/Finder" pic seems fake to me:
-It looks more like Safari and Explorer from XP than OS X
-Up where the Back-Forward buttons are it reads ONLY Back
-The Back word is placed closer to the Forward button not even in the middle, between the two buttons
-The same with the word View
-The divider used in that pic to divide the mounts/drives looks suspicious
-The blue color used in Xdrive selection is too blue for a supposedly toned down Aqua!
-In Jaguar the "Status Bar" is below the Toolbar and not in the bottom of the window
-In the "Status Bar" it should read "1 of 32 items selected, 13.23 GB available"
-In the "Search Bar" it should read Xdrive and not home?
-The title bar seems to be disconnected from the rest of the window something that the brushed apps do not do... This is MORE obvious in the corners under the colored buttons
Why the "Folder/Menu" pic seems fake to me:
-We do not read the Help option
-It has Lines for dividers while in Jaguar we have just empty space for this
-The Move to Trash option is with the "Color Label:" and NOT by itself or like in Jaguar with the Open and Get Info?
-In this pic, the menu is transparent, all while in the Finder/Labels pic it isn't!
Why the "Folderact/Actions" pic seems fake to me:
-We do not read the Help option
-It has Lines for dividers while in Jaguar we have just empty space for this
-In this pic, the menu is somewhat transparent, all while in the Finder/Labels pic it isn't and in the Folder/Menu pic is MUCH MORE transparent
Why the "DVD Player" pic seems fake to me:
-That black colors are "out of the blue"
-Where are the 3 little dots telling us where to click in order to get those "hidden" extra options?
Why the "Activity Monitor" pic seems fake to me:
-In Jaguar we don't have Activity Monitor... We have Process Viewer instead
-The scroll bars do not seem correct (they are smaller than normal)
-Where is the triangle we have in Process Viewer above the right scrolling bar?
-What is with the blue highlight around the processes?
-All in all this thing looks something more like a combination of many Utilities of OS X with some new stuff added
Why the "Exposé in Action" pic seems fake to me:
-The Finder icon is different than any other Finder icon we have seen in OS X so far
-What is Exposé? And is THAT it's trick?
-Why all the screen is dark but the apps and dock are not?
-What is that horizontal line above the blurred app in the dock?
-Where is the Language/Keyboard icon? It should have at least one!
-The font used in the Top Menu looks TOO bold...
Why the "Labels2/Folder" pic seems fake to me:
-It has too much of blue around it while all the other pics seem to have the darker blue of Jaguar's official desktop image
-It doesn't have the red color of the red color we see in Pop Up menus where we select the color labels
After all said and done, all the above may turn to be nothing but another Hulkaros crap! For me if this will turn to be the real Panther, it will be a let down... I expect A LOT more from Apple than just another Aqua/Brushed/WinXP theme
A lot more!