Hooray! Now we just need an updated VPC that runs on G5s, and I can give my boss the go-ahead to purchase a set of Dual 2ghz G5s...
If this doesn't happen in the next month or so, unfortunately we'll have to buy 40-something DELLs instead. Methinks we're going to have to go with Dells... =(
I still feel that 10.3 beta is not ready. I use 7B80 and there are still bugs. Entourage crashes from time to time, most of my games just don't work...
If Apple does release it, it seems that software developers will be releasing patches, or 10.3.1 will be released a month after release date.
Anybody remember 10.0? I don't think they managed to get all the bugs ironed out of that for a while. What about 10.1? Remember that? That took a while to debug, as well. And is anyone still using 10.2? I don't think they managed to rid it of all the bugs, either. So Panther will undoubtedly have its fair share of insects, even after the official release.