access the other mac on my network


I want to access the other mac on my home network, i have enabled file sharing, remote login etc. but although its on i cant seem to locate it and login it. Im on snowLeopard... how do i see it on a finder window or some other way?
Are you trying to see it from another Mac or Windows machine? Does the machine have a valid IP address for the network? One T/S step would be to shut off the firewall on the machines and see if it shows up.

It's tough to call it w/o more info on your network setup.
i did it yesterday when the computer appeared on the shared section on the side column of the finder window, now i don't see it, could it be on sleep????
That would be easy to check!
Are both computers awake, and both connected to your network?

You could also turn file sharing on both Macs, and then check on the OTHER Mac, to see if your Mac is visible in the shared section... ?
Now yes i can see it, but now both were awake, what happens if one is in sleep mode? Can i wake it up remotely?
If both Macs are running 10.6 or higher, then you can use Wake on demand

There's also third-party apps like this:

Or, if you have Apple Remote Desktop - that's one of it's uses...

Or, most VNC clients should provide that feature, as well - so lots of methods to get a Mac on your network to wake up.

Or, you can setup up Energy Saver prefs on that Mac to wake up at a certain time...

Or, how far away is it, really, where you can't just get up and wake it :D
thanx but since a mac fan i prefer to use Apple Remote Desktop although i didn't understand how i can wake it up through it!
If I recall correctly, all you need, in Apple Remote Desktop, is to right-click the system from the computer list, and choose Control (not View, which won't wake the computer if sleeping).
Screen should appear for the computer that you want to access. (it's been a year since I last used ARD, so I might recall incorrectly, or missing some important element, but I don't think so)
If the screen is black (sleeping), just click on the screen, same as you would if you are local to the Mac.

That presupposes that you are somewhat familiar with using Apple Remote Desktop, and you have some familiarity with controlling the Macs through that app - and your remote Mac has the proper sharing services enabled.
Maybe you will need to review the user guide for ARD.
The ARD client is certainly part of the OS X install.
The ARD control software is not, and never has been included.
Client is installed on each Mac that you want to view or control. You would usually just need to enable that in the Sharing prefs.
The control (ARD administrator) software is installed on the Mac that you want to use for, well, control of other Macs.

One example would be in a school computer lab, where all the student machines have ARD client enabled (through the Sharing preferences.) And, the teacher has a computer used to control all the student computers. That's an easy task for ARD, where the teacher can cause all systems to log out simultaneously, if needed.
And, the other difference is cost. Client is free, the ARD administration version is not.

Your first response appeared to show that you knew something about ARD, or had used it before - but, apparently not?
I have used it, and i am actually using it, but i didn't know that control version was available, all my needs were satisfied using client
Ah, OK!
You did ask about how to use ARD to wake a sleeping Mac.
ARD Admin version provides a means to wake a sleeping system remotely. AFAIK, you can't do that just from the client.
However, ARD Admin would be overkill for use on a small home network, with just a couple of systems.

One of the other utilities that have been mentioned in this thread may also provide that capability, but I don't use those.
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