
I think they were meant to die quickly (like all spin offs :p)

so yeah...back to the original subject, whats in it for me ? :p
For every 2 USD I make on the bets, I'll give you one litre Belgian Beer :-) Is that better?


PS: Dunno for US, but legal drinking age in Belgium is 16 :-) But driving 18 :-(
Considering the fact that I do not like beer... no deal :p

Tell me do you guys have bottled drinks called "Blade" , "Rigo", "J&B Mack" ??? I like those ;) he he he
J&B we have :-)
How bout I send you half the profit worth of my personal mix :-)

From these alcohols, put an equal part in a 1/2l glass

(Gordon's Dry*) Gin
White Martini
White Bacardi
Cassis (Liquor)

Now, add some drops of lemon extract, NOT JUICE;
Add a little bit of "grenadine" (I don't know how it's called it English ... -> Grenadine is sth very sweet, you make it by adding a little bit of it in a glass and then adding lots of water);
Shake it in a professional shaker (The details are important);
After shaking add ONE cube of ice, NOT more;
Now, when the cocktail is ready, slide the foamy part of beer on top of a glass over it, the beer is preferably 5.5° Alcohol. Don't mix it!
Drink it with a straw :-)
Couple of glasses and you're off to somewhere else we all know but too well :-)

* Preferably that brand

LOL :p
Well...thjat sounds dangerous...maybe send me to the hospital (or in some nice woman's bed.... I prefer the second one :p)
In any case, the admiral will be out of commision for a while lol :P

I prefer J&B mack or Martini&rossi blade (since I did not manage to get a bottle this past summer for my bottle collection :( )

what the heck is Gordon's Mixed drink called ? I keep fogeting.. "Orbit" comes to mind but I know that is not it :P

Gordon's Dry Gin is without exception the BEST gin on the planet! It's about 40° but the best thing to do is to buy some bottles and let them in your basement where it's cool for a couple of years. One year should do, I recently drank a bottle of Gin with some friends before we went to a prom and we were all, well, dead afterwards :-) You should try it, it makes a great mix!

The cocktail's name that I just mentioned is called a Terminator (go figure).

You should really try it! The taste is great and if you drink 2 or 3 (in 1/2 litre glasses) you'll be well on your way to drunkness if it should be the point of the evening :-) (Disclaimer: Do not use in combination with drugs or medication of any kind)

Once again, Enjoy!
OK I will try it when I turn 21 in december :p
The only thing I have handy now is Vodka and Metaxa (koniak) that I got from the airport duty free on my way back from greece :p

Tss tss tss
I personally don't have a need to drink or anything like that, just want to make this clear before anyone starts thinking I'm just another drunk :-) But (ok, here it goes), how do you feel in the US where you're not of legal age to drink when you're used to Greece (where as far as I know drinking age is 16)? Don't you ever go out with friends and just, I don't know, enjoy, talk, drink beer, joke? What do you do when you go out to (I think you're a DJ so I figure you know I Love Techno or Kozzmozz) a Technoparty or anything like that?

One other thing, I don't use drugs anymore, but how is the policy about drugs (pot, shrooms, hasj, ...) in the US? Here in Belgium we're on the verge of legalization of soft-drugs (pot, shrooms, hasj, other herbs). In Holland (just a few miles northwards) everything's been legalized for like 30 years or so ...

I too haven't used drugs for aq long time now. But the drinking age in Canada is 18 or 19 (depending on province). It threw me for a loop when I realized U.S. citizens just get to drink beer/booze/whatever in a bar an b.s. when 21. Hell, I've bwwn doing it since 19.

All thoughts of alcoholism aside, hanging out in a bar and shooting the sh*t is on of lifes pleasures.

Dark rhum, dark Canadian / European beers, light Euro beers, scotch all the way.
Ladies and Gentleman!
We have here, a man of taste :-)
Well, I like most Belgian beers but German is just bad and US beer is even worse! No offense, but Bud is probably the most disgusting beer I ever had ...

I think this drinking age thing is a joke in the USA.
Personally I never drank till I became 18.
I dont drink to get drunk, usually I drink when I go out with friends (in the summer that is), a bottle (maybe 2) of blade, rigo, or a glass of a mixed drink. I go to techno/dance/house clubs with friends, have a good time then I go home. On occasion I have gone to Rock clubs as well with friends.

I havent drank anything for 2 months now (lol :p) so I dont really care about teh drinking age. I can go through a whole year with a bottle of vodka, or gin or whatever.

On a personall note, I dont like beer, the taste just doesnt taste good :P ... Wine I can drink, but its too sweet sometimes, so wine with selzer water (or tonic) is good

Originally posted by anerki
Ladies and Gentleman!
We have here, a man of taste :-)
Well, I like most Belgian beers but German is just bad and US beer is even worse! No offense, but Bud is probably the most disgusting beer I ever had ...

MGD (Miller Genuine Draft) is worse!

Thankfully America discovered "real ale" a few years ago and now there is plenty of excellent beer, at least in those parts of the country that most would want to visit/live!;)

All beer is still served ice cold however and people have little concept of seasonality, plus there are no real English style "bitters" and a tendency to unsubtle, overwhelming hoppiness.

Overall though, it's a very good time for beer in the US right now!

And Chimay is popular here too!:p
It doesn't taste like any other beer I've had. If you want a beer that tastes good, make sure not to get one with Chocolate malt in it. I'm in a mug club, and was forced to drink that one...
The best beers in Belgium would probably be Palm and Duvel. They both don't taste like beer at all. Duvel is a bit on the heavier side (in terms of alcohol) but it tastes a bit sweeter. Palm is a mix between a regular beer and sth else I haven't found out yet :-) Palm is my absolute favorite beer, I once liked Kriek (from Bellevue) if you know it, it's made of cherry, tastes sweet and not like beer at all. It's nice, but not THAT nice :-)

If you're ever in Belgium, be sure to come to Gent to the Trollekelder (I don't know if it's called that but I think it is), they have over 7 pages of beer there :-))))

For wines I like white better than red, and rosé is good, but it's not really a real wine ... White wine is great when served cold, red when it's served a bit warmer. Beer should be cold, but not icecold, you should be able to drink from it without having to worry about the temperature in your throat.

In terms of "stronger" alcohol I like Batida Coco and Martini best ...
