

It's strange but I've exactly the same hair as you have..!
And I also wear glasses..!


I have no digital photo of myself... If I have one, I'll post it :p

naaahhh.. I prefer to think I am original... I "think Different" thus you copied me :p he he he.

As far as the whee goes... go see a doctor about this wheetrax thing :p
Where IS this thread going? We started all nice but now we're talking about hair styles???? What ARE you people thinking???? Anyway, my hair style is best anyway :-) LOL

So, Admiral, since nobody's asked you ... How do you feel after your 2000th post? Do you feel revitalized to start out with some round numbers again? Do you feel old or just experienced? Tell us all about it :-)

Hehe, so would it be ok if we started placing bets on when your 3000th post will be?

PS: If I pay you in advance, will you post your 3000th post when I ask you? Or will you tell me some time in advance? We'll share the profits :-)))

Unless I start posting lots of "wheeee" posts, no :p not that soon.. I wanna keep some sort of quality going lol :P

Anerki how much will you pay me ??? ;)
Do you have a paypal account? he he ;)

At the pace these forums are going, probably by February I will have 3000

Hmm, how much I'll pay you depends on how much people bet on your 3000th post ... I'll pay you 50% of the profits like I told :-)

BTW, i'm counting 3000th post for December 12th

... remember that if you loose.. because he's too quick (remember 200 posts in about 15 days) then it will cost you a fortune... :D
