
Danged if I know what beer that was. I tried to block out the memory. I like chocolate, I like beer, but never should the two be combined. Another odd one is Dead Guy Ale. It's a blood-red beer, and has a skeleton on the front (and the beer was okay).
My Experience tells me all red beers are made with cherry ... Any ideas/suggestions? I'm interested :-) (lambic)

Legal drinking age in Romania: 0
Legal Smoking age in Romania: 0
Pot: You'r born with it!

Ahh my childhood! Too bad Canada is such a tight ass.
Yeah. Tight ass. It's cause we never get f****d by others (how untrue is THAT!?)

At least we can drink at 19 / 18 and we don't have a zero tolerance policy.
I always found the drinking age thing here in the USA just stoooooooooopid! I mean if you tell someone not to do something he will do it cause he is f*ed up and thinks he is coold for doing it, gets drunk, becomes and alcoholic (from getting hammered every weekend... and out economy goes to hell :p)

Oh well...
so how are the bets coming ? :p